Chapter 5 Let Us be Merry

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Chapter 5 Let Us be Merry

The hall of Mirkwood had hundreds of people laughing and yelling. All my friends were there from the journey.

I was dancing with the Hobbits when, Frodo stopped and yelled over the crowd.

"I want to make a toast, to the Newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Greenleaf!" He shouted with a grin. We all screamed with him.

I continued to dance when I felt hands on my waist. Legolas looked over to the men playing instruments and nodded. The song changed to a slower pace as he took my hand.

We danced along to the beat and my dress swept the floor elegantly. I stared lovingly into eyes and him to mine.

He spun me around and dipped me. I came back up and he captured his lips

To mine. They were firey with passion, like I have never seen before. He acted different, more, intense and hungry.

I loved this man so much and I just knew he loved me.

He let me go and I waundered over to the table where my brother and Arwen sat.

Aragorn beamed when he saw me approaching. He stood up and ran over to give me a hug.

"I am so proud of you. Look at the life your living now. I love you so much Isabella. I couldn't be any happier for you." He finished.

"Let's dance, brother."

I took his arm and lead him away. Many more songs played and Aragorn finally had enough.

I looked around for Legolas and couldn't seem to find him in the main hallway so I decided to go get some air. It was becoming very hot in here.

I walked to Legolas' and I's room. Our bed was pushed in the middle of the room. But my favorite part was the balcony that overlooked Mirkwood. I loved coming out here to read or just gather my thoughts.

Mirkwood was most beautiful at night. Lights streamed over all the trees as elves sang their delicate hymns. I smiled as I ran my hands over the intricately designed wooden features on the balcony. I sighed in contentness as I heard a door creak open.

In strolled Legolas with a mischievous grin.

"Hel-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence because my lips were smothered with his. He cupped my face with both his hands as he made me stand up. He took my hand and led me over to the bed.

"You are mine and I am yours." He stated.

"I am yours and you are mine." I repeated before we were casted into a world of pure bliss and passion.


Hey guys! So I hope that wasn't too racy or anything. I wanted something to happen but I know a lot people don't like reading about that. So I hope it was okay!

Tell me what ya think.

Xoxo Amaya

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