Indigestion and Interrogations

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A/N: Kiaser, you left me with the cliffhanger. Thaaaanks. How am I supposed to live up to that last chapter? So good. :D <3 Dang. Dang diggity dangit. I'm in an airport right now waaaaiting so IT'S TIME TO BRING OUT THE TYPING FINGERS. 

Kiaser is clearly the better writer here, let's establish that now as not to get your expectations too high for this chapter. I hope you enjoy it anyways! I look forward to the next one! Let's see what Kiaser does with this ending. :)

BTW That's James over thataway ->


Through my scream, Vi comes bounding towards me like the gazelle she truly is. Her attractive blonde male friend is close behind. She looks wildly around, but I point at the ground. 

“DEMON ON THE FLOOR! SATAN! SATAN! I’M GOING TO DIE! VI, SAVE ME!” I yell, absolutely terrified. Violet glances down, and looks warily back up at me.

“Rosie, we talked about this. That is a cockroach, not Satan.” She pats my back awkwardly but consolingly. 

“Dammit Violet, kill it! It’s giving me that IMMA-TAKE-YOU-TO-THE-PITS-OF-HELL-WITH-ME look!” I yell. “Don’t you see it?” James, the male friend, bends down to look at the cockroach with a confused expression on his face. Violet takes the nearest trash can, slamming it over the vicious creature. Walking over to the window, she chucks the bug out. I run over to her, hugging her tight. 

"I love you," I whisper. She pats my back. "Yeah, okay. That's what you say every time I save you from a man-eating bug-beast." I pull back and grin. 

"Thanks," I breathe. "That was a close call." I turn around to see approximately the whole force starting at me. I smile and give them a thumbs up.

"Crisis averted!" I call. They turn away; some laughing, some frowning, most confused. I seem to have that effect on people. James and Vi stay close, and I see Leo rush forward. He grabs my arms gently, inspecting me. 

"Are you okay?" He asks, worried. "I heard you scream!" I analyze his body language, very suspicious after what I learned from the profiling yesterday. He's maintaining eye contact, no dilation in the pupils, no twitches in the fingers, no shuffling of the feet. I smile. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Vi saved me." He smiles, full dimples, and then lets go. Violet hooks her arm through mine. 

"Now, if you don't mind, gentlemen," she says with sass, "We've got work to do." We sit down at our desks while they leave, and pull out our work. 

"I went down to the morgue earlier," she says, and I look up at her. "What'd you find?"

"Both victims had a smear consistent with the others in shape and size, Wilson's on his pants and Ender's on her blouse. Also, Wilson had some lipstick on his mouth-" My eyebrows wagged. "Scandalous much?" I say.

"That's exactly what I said!" She laughs. "But Ender had the same color lipstick on, so Dr. Ron's running both samples through the lab." I grin, knowing she's hiding something. Her fingers tap on the table and she's staring down at the file. 

"Did something else happen?" I ask and her eyes look up, guilty, to meet mine. "Something... between you and James?" She nods. I squeal before I can stop it. 

"What?" I ask. She tilts her head to the side. "Actually, it might be more evidence for our evil little detective." I gasp. 

"James came into the elevator at the last second. He may have said, and I quote-" she makes air quotes "'I like you and I don't want you to go away like Lara did,' end quote." Seeming perplexed, she lets her hands fall. 

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