A Body and a Best Friend

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Okay wow so let's just say that I did not see that coming so way to go Vierling for being absolutely perfect! I hope you enjoy and be sure to comment and tell us what you think because we have no idea what's going to happen next so your idea might actually get used if it makes sense!


Drinking fountains… check

Ponds… check

Various classroom sinks… check

Girl’s restroom… check

Boy’s restroom… Oh hell no! I am not going in there. I happen to be a female and that would be incredibly awkward. No! I have to get all the water samples, it’s my job. Come on just grab the door knob and open the door. The door is barely creaked open when I feel my butt buzz.

My phone is out in an instant and I see Rosie’s name flashing on the front of my phone. I press the button and type in my password, which totally isn’t 0000, and read the message.

“Trapd in clost. Tylr is prt of crime. Got sht. Pls help.”

I’ll admit that my first thought was about how atrocious this text message is but give me some credit… I didn’t exactly understand what she had said until I put vowels into the words. After that I realized the graveness of situation.

“Trapped in closet. Tyler is part of crime. Got shit. Please help me.”

But I think she might have meant “got to shit” instead of “got shit” because how would she have poop in a closet unless she couldn’t hold it. Oh god, tell me she didn’t poop in a dead man’s closet, that would be so incredibly awkward. By this time I am on my way to the police station because hey my best friend is in danger and there is no way I’m going to confront a murderer or at least an accomplice without backup.

I sprint into the police station and see Leo, James, and a few other police officers taking a break in the lobby and I yell, “Okay all you people are coming with me to a house because Rosie just told me she was stuck in a closet and the owner of said house is a part of crime. Oh and she said she got shit but I don’t know why that was important.”

They are all up in an instant and running towards the door and pushing towards there cop cars. Leo, James, and I all pile into the back of one of the cop cars and our car takes the lead as I tell the cop the address of Tyler’s house.

I feel a hand on my arm and turn to see James, “How did Vi contact you?” I hand him my phone with the text message on open display. James scans the text and goes dead white. “Leo, call an ambulance and tell them to meet us there.”

Leo gives him a confused look but still picks up his phone and begins to dial. I turn towards James and ask, “Why do we need an ambulance?”

He gives me a grave look, “She didn’t say ‘got shit’. She said ‘got shot’. Rosie is somewhere in that house bleeding and we have to get through a homicidal guy with a gun to get to her.”

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