Lost (Koichi x Reader)

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Welcome! This is (obviously) a collection of yummy Mejibray oneshots and imagines spawned from my own, hungry little brain. After falling off the face of the earth as a fanfic author for years, I've come back to writing, aaaand I've decided to share my work with you all! I hope you enjoy it!

Got a request or an idea? Give me a challenge! Make me write stuff!

Koichi gets you both lost in the woods on the way to Meji's video shoot. Inspired by Koichi telling a story about getting lost in the woods in an interview I was reading!


"Are you sure it's this way?" You asked your travelling companion apprehensively for what was probably the fifteenth time, glancing out of the passenger side window in a worry.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Koichi replied, some annoyance in his tone. "It's a straight shot. The directions Tsuzuku gave me said to take this road the whole way."

"The road you turned off of about forty five minutes ago!?" You countered loudly.

"Will you please stop playing backseat driver already and let me drive?"


You and Koichi had been driving along the same stretch of rural road for nearly an hour now on your journey to the location where Mejibray would be shooting their latest video... That is, if Koichi ever showed up.

The band had decided to take two different cars, leaving Koichi to make the lengthy drive up to the set himself. Not wanting to make the long trip alone, he invited you to come along. Naturally, being that he was your boyfriend, and because you had never seen an actual music video set before, you enthusiastically agreed to go, but now, as you were fuming in the passenger's seat, a part of you wished you hadn't. You couldn't help but feel that he had most definitely taken a wrong turn somewhere, and although you tried to express this unshakeable gut feeling to him multiple times, the pink haired bassist simply wouldn't listen.

Glancing out the window again, you noticed that you had somehow gotten even further into the boonies, without a single sign of civilization in sight. Lowering your eyes to the phone in your hand, you opened your lockscreen to check the time, and also noticed that you had absolutely no service. Heaving a deep sigh, you propped your elbow up against the window ledge, leaned your chin into your palm, continued to stare down at your lockscreen background: a goofy picture of you and Koichi sticking out your tongues and holding up peace signs.

You really hated fighting with him. Had you known that this trip was going to turn into one huge fight, you would have just stayed home. Granted, you were grateful and happy to get to spend time with him... you just really hated that the both of you were spending it fighting.

'I'm just not going to argue with him anymore. I'm just going to close my eyes and try not to think about it. Let him figure it out.'

Suddenly, the BORN that you were calmly tapping your fingers along to reduced in volume, and you peered your tired orbs open to see Koichi pulling the vehicle to a stop.

Taking a look around, the bassist's face gradually shifted from 'eh?' to a full blown 'what the fuck?', and staring out into the dark, thick forest, he flopped back against the seat in disbelief. "Well, shit..."

Somehow, Koichi had managed to get you both lost somewhere terribly deep in the woods, and it took him running smack dab into a dead end to finally realize and accept that fact.

You wanted so badly to say 'I told you so'. Every fiber of your being burned with those words, and you felt the tremendous urge to just blurt them out manifest as a tight, hard lump at the base of your throat. But you didn't speak. You had promised yourself that you weren't going to argue with him anymore, and you weren't going to exacerbate the fight by letting those four little words escape. Instead, you held them in, taking a deep breath to clear the words from your psyche and waiting on him to speak.

Looking at Koichi, you saw his midnight tinted spheres eyeing his hands in his lap intensely as he fidgeted with the many silver rings on his fingers. His magenta stained lips were curled into a pout, and you could tell that he was clearly bothered.

"Y/N, I'm sorry..." He sighed regrettably. "I really should have listened to you, and I'm sorry. Now I got us lost, we're really late, and I was fighting with you on top of it. I really screwed up what was supposed to be a good day."

Frowning slightly, you scooted closer to Koichi, wrapped an arm around his tiny waist, and dropped your head to his shoulder. In return, he gently laid an arm around you and placed a sweet kiss on top of your head.

"I'm sorry too, Koichi..." You said. "I know you've been super stressed out about band stuff lately... I shouldn't have pushed you so much."

He shook his head. "I shouldn't have been a jerk. You were only trying to help."

"Well... I suppose it isn't an entirely bad thing we got lost. It is pretty out here." You said with a smile, placing a reassuring hand on his thigh and trying to cheer him up.

He mirrored your smile. "It is. I'm glad I got to see it with you."

"I am too. Maybe we should get lost together more often." You giggled.

"Maybe so."

Gripping your chin between his thumb and index finger, Koichi lifted your lips to his in a soft, yet passionate kiss.

Yeah, we should definitely get lost together more often.


Oh my god. You guys, I did it. I actually did the thing. I actually finished something. I have a totally new appreciation for oneshots.

Anyway, I hope ya'll enjoyed the first installment! I'm currently working on a MiA scenario, and I have a Meto one in the works. As previously mentioned, I AM TAKING REQUESTS! Got an idea? Leave it in the comments or shoot me a message!

Until next time!

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