Five More Minutes (MiA x Reader SMUT)

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Mia tries to wake you up for work! This one was inspired by my own irresponsibility: staying up watching Mejibray and Diaura videos, and obsessing over MiA's adorable little belly instead of going to sleep. I was lucky if I got three hours in. Now, I'm tired and oozing with tons of ideas. So, enjoy the product of my insomnia!

This contains SMUT. The idea started out as being innocent and fluffy (I LOVE FLUFF), but the more I dwelled on it, the more it started to veer off in an entirely different direction. Not into smut? Don't read it!


You'd done it again. You'd stayed up way too late watching YouTube videos, falling down rabbit hole after rabbit hole into the wee hours of the morning, knowing damn well you had to be up early for work. However, you'd refused to go to sleep while your boyfriend, Mia had done the responsible adult thing and gone to bed at a reasonable hour, silently sleeping beside you as you stifled snickers with your ear buds in. You were honestly shocked that you hadn't woken him.

It had seemed like a good idea at the time. 'I won't be that tired.' You had negotiated with yourself and calculated everything in your mind perfectly. 'If I lay down by two-thrity and fall asleep by three, that'll give me five hours of sleep. I can totally function on five hours.'

Needless to say, two-thirty quickly became three-thirty, three-thirty turned into four-thirty, and the next thing you know, any chance of getting a good night's rest had flown out the window as the birds began to chirp outside and the hour you had set your alarm for crept nearer. It didn't seem so bad when you finally laid your head down at five. 'It'll be fine.'


'I REGRET EVERYTHING'. You yelled in your head as your alarm screamed loudly in your ear. Not even removing your face from the pillow, you reached over to the night stand and felt around frantically for your phone so you could cease the merciless assault on your ears. After knocking several unknown items to the floor, you finally located your phone and swiped the screen repeatedly to get the loud, obnoxious buzzing to stop. With one final attempted blind swipe, the sweet sound of silence settled over the room, and with a smile on your face, you lazily dropped your arm and surrendered yourself to the overwhelming exhaustion you had brought upon yourself.

"Baby..." Mia's voice softly met your ear.

"Five more minutes..." You grumbled groggily, smashing your face even deeper into the pillow beneath you and pulling the blanket even tighter around your shoulders. You heard a faint chuckle just before feeling a familiar arm snake it's way around your waist and pull you against a warm body. You happily snuggled your back against him, simply enjoying the feeling of being close to him, but Mia had other ideas.

You felt hot breath fan out over your bare flesh as Mia's lips made contact with your neck. He left a trail of kisses from just behind your ear all the way down to your shoulder, where he pushed the delicate strap of your camisole down over your arm and suckled your skin lightly.

"What are you doing...?" You asked suspiciously, only half conscious.

He kissed his way back up, ignoring your question. He only continued to assault your skin with his lips, making your body begin to heat up. A quiet moan escaped your lips as you leaned your head back against him. Skillful fingers danced over your curves, sneaking their way under the hem of your night shirt and skimming up your stomach. A warm hand cupped your breast and squeezed it gently, and soon, you became aware of his very present excitement as it pressed against you from behind.

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