Your Voice (Meto x Reader)

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Meto's POV

I peered through squinted lids at the angry, glowing red numbers of the bedside hotel alarm clock. Two AM. Snuggling Ruana closer to my face, I buried my nose in her furry brown head, annoyed with the fact that she no longer smelled like Y/N. My brow furrowed in frustration as I roughly tossed myself over for the umpteenth time and my eyes shot open in defeat. There was no way I could sleep like this.

Snatching my phone off of the bedside table, I scrolled through my call log in search of her name. I tapped the green call icon and put the device to my ear. It rang several times; she had to have been sleeping. She probably wouldn't pick up.

Just as I was about to cancel the call, there was a click in the receiver, and her sweet voice met my ear. "Meto?"

"Hey, Y/N..." I spoke shyly.

"What's wrong, baby...?" She asked in a worried tone. She knew how much I hated talking on the phone. Of course, the fact that it was also two AM had to have been equally alarming. "You never call me."

"Can't sleep." I replied plainly. "I miss you so bad..."

She was silent a moment. I envisioned her beautiful face with a rosy red blush shading her cheeks and a small simper tugging at her plush pink lips. "I miss you too, Meto..."

A little flutter made itself present in my stomach. Wow... I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed her voice. "Will you talk to me until I fall asleep...?"

"What about?"

"Anything. I just want to hear your voice." I said, hugging Ruana close and pretending as hard as I could that we were holding Y/N in our arms. I tried my best to imagine her snuggled up to us with her face smashed into Ruana's head while her forehead rested on my chest and my nose was buried in her hair. I could almost smell her shampoo.

She giggled cutely, stirring the butterflies in my gut. "Okay, well... I miss Ruana, and I miss you... and I miss your smile... and your laugh... and I love you both a lot."

I laughed quietly. "Ruana and I miss and love you too."

"And when you guys get home, I'm going to cuddle both of you so hard!" She blurted excitedly, making me laugh again. "And I'm going to make you as much omurice as you can eat and smother you both in kisses!"

"We would love that."

"I would too... the bed is so big and lonely without you two..."

I frowned at how sad she sounded. "I know it is... I feel bad. I at least have Ruana to keep me company. You don't have anyone... But we'll be home soon!" I reassured her.

"Yeah... and then we can catch up on all our lost sleep together!"

"Yeah..." I yawned through a smile. I was finally starting to feel tired.

"Are you falling asleep, Meto?" She asked softly after not having heard anything for several minutes or so, yet I was already far too gone to reply. Sleep had gripped me in it's clutches, and my consciousness was gradually slipping away.

I heard her precious voice one final time before everything faded into the blackness. "Goodnight, my sweet little babydoll..."

I hope you guys enjoyed this fluffy little Meto fic. I know it's short, especially for me, but I've had this idea for a while and just got the urge to finish it at two AM. X.x

I PROMISE I will have a Tsuzuku fic up soon!!! I have a few unfinished plots I'm currently working on, along with a Meto smut and another MiA smut, but Tsu is just so difficult for me to write for... unless I'm depressed. I have no idea why. >.< Please bear with me.

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