Chapter 2: Truth

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The winx woke up and saw the pixies up and a note from Faragonda and that most of the pixies head gone. The note said to come to her office. They got ready for the day and saw on the couch was a group of pixies. The group was Lockette, Chatta, Tune, Amora, Digit, two boys and Piff, who was asleep.

"Ready to go," Musa asked

"Yes Musa," Tune said.

"Who are you two," Stella asked, pointing to the boys.

"Oh I am Fixit and this is Martino," Fixit said, pointing to Martino. Martino waved from where he was having a conversation with Lockette.

They headed to the headteacher office. To see some more pixies waiting for them from the pixie village. One pixie, who they knew was Caramel, came over and hugged Martino. Martino hugged her back.

"Headmistress Faragonda, What happened at the other village," Bloom asked?

Headmistress Faragonda answered, "All anyone knows is that they where attacked. They don't know who or why? The pixies left that village and relocated as they didn't feel safe there."

"So you meen that something happend and no one knows what?"


"How about we try and find out what happend there. We have a knack for finding out things from nothing"

"I don't want you going out and finding what did this to them. But for the good of everyone it may be for the best if you do go find it. But only after the Red Fountain boys get here."


With that they left the office.

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