Chapter 4: Where to start?

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"Where are we going," Timmy asked?

"How baout Domino. There may be something on this there. It alsp whent though a similar thing so it is a place to start," Bloom said.

"Good point. Domino it is then."

They set off to Domino. Not knowing what they are looking for. Bloom called a head to tell her parents that they where coming. The pixies where trying to put together what they knew or saw to see if that helpped.

"When we get there do we start at the palace or the libary," Sky asked?

"The palace first. If we don't find anything to the libary," Bloom said.

They approched Domino and landed. They exited to be grated by Bloom's parents and her sister. They had other thing planned but will try and help them as much as posible. They were concerned about what they had heard.

They when to the libary in the palace fist and looked though everybook they had there, marking anything that looks like it could fit what happened whitch was not much.

They then head to the secret libary to see what was there. They found two differnt books one about the estertal witchs and the other about legends and myths. They headed back to the palace with the books and headed to Blooms room to read what theyhad found and match it up with what they already knew and what the pixies put together earlier.

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