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"Why are you wearing a hoodie it's like 100 degrees outside?" The short haired blond looked at Riley strangely as she pulled at the hem of her hoodie.

"Why are always pestering me like just fuck off!" She cried.

It was her fault she hid in hoodies. The endless cries that escaped her lips each night she carved the blade into her skin was her fault.

"Don't talk to me like that you freak," she pushed Riley against the wall with a thud kicking her in the process. Riley winched in pain.

"Stupid bitch," the girl spat walking away.

"Earth to Riley," someone waved their had in front of face.

"What is it Ed?" I sighed as I jab at the jello I was having for lunch.

"Do you want to sit with my girlfriend and I for lunch?" He points towards the table where Emma was chatting with her group of friends.

"Erm," I thought for a second, the last time I was in the same place as her it never ended well. Just going over makes me think she'll embarrass me in front of Ed.

But what if she has changed? I mean she hasn't bothered me in almost two weeks. Who knows she's probably the same. Or she's just putting on that sweet innocent look for Ed.

"No," I simply decline gathering my stuff so I could go to the library where it's much quieter. I walked away before he could stop me and try to convince me.

The library was quite as always the one thing I love about it along with the books.

"Hey you haven't seen you in awhile," Mrs Linon the librarian greats me as she stood at her desk. She was your average middle aged female with brunette​ hair wrapped in a bun.

I always come here just to get away from Emma and her friends but ever since that suicide attempt which was like a month ago I haven't been in here.

"Yeah just been busy with stuff," I lied and it was easy but knowing Mrs Linon all too well she could see right through me.

"Sure you have If that Emma chick messes with you just call me on my new smart phone," she smiles holding up an iPhone 5s

"Oh wow you got a smart phone," I laughed a bit remembering how she used to grimace at the kids who'd come in here buried in their phones.

"Sure thing just put your number in and give me yours."

I do as told putting my number in her phone while she put hers in mine. Who knows her number could probably come in handy one day. She's like the only friend I have here too.

I sit between two book shelves at the back of the library grabbing a random book in the process while I listen to Coldplay.


"I know most of you don't like paired work but marking would be a lot easier for me," my chemistry teacher annocced as he hands out a few work sheets.

"The name on your paper is who you'd be paired with," he informed.

When I got mine I almost choked on my saliva in the process. Maybe I wasn't reading it right. But I know I'm not stupid.

Emma Burns.

This has got to be a joke why couldn't she be paired with Ed or one of her stupid friends? I can't work with her I need a new partner.

The bell rings for dismissal, I grab my things along with my bag going to the teacher's desk.

"Mr Lee I don't think I can work with Emma."

"Riley you know once you're paired I won't change your partner," he sits on his desk facing me. I look down at the parper of chemical formulas thinking how am I going to convince him to change Emma.

"I know that but I just can't work with her," my voice was low as my heart beats fast for God knows what.

"It's just for a few few classes," he tries to make it seem easy but to me he just doesn't get it. I hate Emma with every bone in my body. I sighed giving up. I walk out the class feeling angry and sad at the same time.

"So we're partners huh?" Emma leans against my locker. I'm so tired of seeing this girl.

"Just make sure you do your part," I slam my locker shut as I left her standing there.

Hating Emma has made me feel so bitter.

Oh whale I tried to make this good. But since Wrong Number is finished I can work on this book and the others in my drafts. Check out my new book "shape of you"

Song: Shine by Years & Years

Sheerio Tits♥

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