Part Three

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   Irene is not here often, which is nice, she's still a stranger and my flat isn't all that big. It isn't a surprise when I come home to Sherlock alone, thinking.



"I'm making waffles for dinner, how many do you want?"

"None, eating slows me down."

"You're eating." I say, almost scolding him.

"Fine, I'll have three."


"Hmmph. How was work?"

"Regular, how was thinking?"

Sherlock doesn't respond, but it isn't unlike him. As I finish the waffles I go into the living room.

"Sherlock, oh my God, Sherlock."

He's passed out and hit his head.

I immediately start to give him CPR.

    Finally I hear him take a breath. I pull up his sleeves. Five. Five nicotine patches PER ARM. Five.

"Oh my God, Sherlock... Are there more?"

I pull up his trouser legs. Five. Five going up each leg. I rip a total of twenty patches off of him. Twenty PATCHES!!! It was then that I noticed the cut on his head from when he passed out. He must've hit the coffee table. I help him hobble to the bathroom. As I lay him down by the bathtub, he moans.

"I'm sorry. This might hurt a bit, I usually work with dead people, so..."

I wash off his head with some warm water. I get up and go to the cabinet and grab my first aid kit.

   After I've put five stitches in his head, we hobble to my room. After he got settled in bed I did something daring. I kissed him. And he kissed me back.

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