The Ghost Of You

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"I remember meeting Tyler," Gerard smiled wistfully. Josh tilted his face towards him. "I was dating him, y'know." The red-haired man sighed, remembering. "God, in that clothing store? Where we met? I'd never met a guy like him. He actually seemed interested in ME, not MCR, not any of that." A short, bitter laugh escaped his lips. "After our second or third date, I was going home, I was so happy! I felt loved, and secure. Then, that night, I went to sleep, and I dreamt that a strange, faceless man took me to this place: here." Gerard waved his hand airily, indicating the black void they seemed to be half-floating-half-sitting in. "When I woke up, well, I didn't. I really was here. I FELT awake and alive and all that, and I could feel my heartbeat. So I wasn't dead. But I was in my dreams, y'know? It just felt weird, and sinister, from the start. Then that cliff appeared and he kept telling me to jump." Tears were flowing down Gerard Way's face now. Josh held the singer tightly, "Wow Gee, I had no idea." He whispered. "I...I thought it was Blurry the whole time." Gerard shook his head, then smiled crookedly. "No," he paused. "Frank used to call me Gee," Gerard looked down, forlornly. "He broke my heart, y'know? Tyler was the first person who ever made me feel anything, after Frank, everything was just numb." Josh nodded, "I know exactly what you mean, Tyler has that effect on people." Blurryface had been oddly quiet these days. Maybe he'd finally left them alone. Josh felt a pang of...happiness? In his stomach, before realising that, if Blurry wasn't here, he'd either be impersonating Gerard, or worse, in Tyler's mind. Gerard rubbed his back, "we'll get out" he whispered firmly. "We'll save Ty, I promise."

Suppriisse bitch! Tyler sat up straight. He had barely moved since the night he realised Blurry had Josh. He'd made countless trips to the bathroom, made countless cuts over his wrists, digging the merciless razor deep. It was all his fault, he'd told himself, as the blood ran down the sink. It was all his fault Josh was with...him. The sting of the metal blade was comforting. The only comfort he gave himself now. Pete and Trick had called him a shit tonne, leaving messages asking him if he wanted to go after Gerard when Josh was awake. Tyler'd texted back a quick yes before returning to Josh's side. Hellloooo, I know you can heaarrrr me. Tyler sighed. What do you want? He thought I want you to do something for me. He could almost feel Blurry smiling coldly in his mind. Sorry, not doing anything for you. Blurry snarled, frustrated. Let me rephrase that Ty Ty, I'll let your gorgeous friend and my lovely prisoner go, if...Wait! Tyler shouted in his mind. You have someone else? Oh yes, I've had this one for quiet some time. Its so VERY fun to play with people's lives. Tyler's blood ran cold. What the hell? What are you doing? Oh honey, wouldn't tell you ALLL my plans would I? All you have to know is that I have two prisoners that I will, very generously on my part, exchange for one thing. Tyler sighed. What? You of course! Blurry laughed.

Patrick's eyes pricked up at the sound of keys. "Petey!" He scampered out to meet his boyfriend, launching into his arms without hesitation. "I missed you Panda," he leaned up to kiss him, frowning as he flinched back. "Wha...What's wrong?" Pete looked down. "I think we need to talk." "Why? What did I do?" Pete shook his head, gesturing for Patrick to follow him. "I...I don't know Trick, I love you, but there's something not right." Pete caught his eyes, pleading him to understand. Patrick's frown deepened. "Whatdya mean? Something's not right?" A heavy weight closed over Patrick's heart, clamping down like an iron wrench. "I just wanted to talk to you about it," his shoulders slumped. "Your not breaking up with me are you?" Pete shook his head viciously. "No." He said firmly. "No no a million times no." He wouldn't make eye contact with him. "Just, through all of this, I need you to love me Tricky," Patrick wrapped his arms around him. Furiously. "Why wouldn't I love you?" His face pressed to his boyfriends chest. "I'm not sure. Just, I'm not sure Trick. My life's an absolute mess, and, one thing I've learned is to never believe anything that's good," Patrick's eyes widened in shock. "The only good thing in my life is you, Pattycakes, for me? To be in a loving relationship? Its so surreal. I love you with all my heart. All my being. I love you with my soul, Pat. Every part of me is so in love with you. But, sometimes it's just hard for me to believe you feel the same." Pete looked away, unable to look into his huge, adorable eyes. "Peter." Patrick tilted Pete's head so he was looking at him. "I love you more than anything Panda. The one, if only one thing, that you can ALWAYS count on is that I love you. I love you now and I always will. You say you love me with your soul? I know exactly what you mean. Whenever I'm not with you I think about you and wish I was there. Whenever I'm with you I find it hard to breathe and I get all tingly. I get this warm, loving feeling in my chest, and I wouldn't trade this for the universe. I would die for you Pete. I live for you. I love you." Patrick took a gasp of air, his face slightly red from the tangent. Pete stared at him in awe. Patrick started to get a bit uncomfortable. "What?" "How did a broken, stupid jackass like me get this lucky?" He breathed, looking at Patrick in wonder. He giggled nervously, shrugging and hugging his boyfriend tight. "Cos I love you more than anything." Pete smiled, hugging him back. "Love you too Trickster."
Awwww so I hope that last bit was noice n fluffy! Next few chapters are gonna be pretttyyy depressing though. The thing is, I've got all my main events planned out, and I'll do at least two chapters for all of them, but I don't want to finish the book? Like there definitely won't be a sequel and cos its my first story I'm sorta sad to finish? And 10 chapters is pretty damn short. Also I've gone back over previous chapters and edited them, so just to stop confusion: JOSH DOES NOT KNOW TYLERS IN LOVE WITH HIM ANYMORE
It didn't make sense to have that so early, so I took that bit out.
This one was 1k 100 words
Why oh why do I do all my writing between 12-5am?

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