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I had been right.

It's been a whole month since I wrote in this journal. The Queen did not appreciate my attitude, as I explained in the last entry I wrote and was even stricter than he already was. He didn't leave me a moment to rest nor to talk. I haven't had a break in ages. And finally, I can finally lay down what I think.


Things may change now.

The White Rabbit had found a new Alice.

Except this time, she's a he. A young man looking just like Alices do, with blond hair and clear blue eyes. But he's completely different from Alice. If he hadn't that name, he could've made a great Mad Hatter, I believe.

I have a feeling like he wasn't brought by the Rabbit. He's too different from everyone we've had before. He isn't nice, doesn't let himself get intimidated and keeps getting into fights, even if the only one he can kill is the Rabbit.

Still... from what I saw of the Queen's reaction, the 89th Alice might be the one who can truly end the game. Even the Mad Hatter acted differently to how he usually does.

The Queen seemed strangely relaxed today. He wasn't as strict as he usually was. It must be the new Alice...

I'm sure the Cat has something to do with his arrival. The White Rabbit came later on to talk with the Queen: he was trying to find Alice.

Which is quite strange, considering that it is Alice who must find the Rabbit, and not the opposite. He seemed angry, the Queen was amused, I was puzzled. And kind of angry too.

I've never quite forgiven the White Rabbit for trapping me in this world at a madman's orders. I still remember the day he brought me to Wonderland.

I woke up in a strange forest. A sign was hung on one of the trees, where I could read that Wonderland was written on it. I remember very clearly that my hair was falling on the right side of my face, hiding my eye usually covered by an eye patch.

"Where..." I started hesitantly.

"Welcome to Wonderland," had said someone behind me. I turned towards the voice.

In front of me stood a boy with two huge rabbit ears that fell on his head. He smiled smugly, as if he had all the answers of this world. Which he maybe has. I still don't know today.

"Who... Are you?" I asked. I felt confused. Empty.

"Who am I? There's no way I can answer something like that. The residents of this land cannot give out their names. But more importantly... Don't you want to know your own name?"

I frowned. I knew my name, of course, so why would he...

"Your name is Jack of Hearts. From today, you're a resident of Wonderland."

The boy smiled. I did not.

"Jack of Hearts...?" I shook my head. "What're you talking about? That's... not my name..."

I knew what I was called, of course! But even if I tried to remember, nothing came to me. Only darkness, a void empty of any memories and of any name.

"I threw away your old name for you."

I looked back at the stranger. What had just said?

"You what?"

"You're here because you wished to discard your world. Only humans who do so are able to enter Wonderland."

He came closer and smiled with a hint of evil in his eyes. I stepped back instinctively.

"Jack of Hearts," the boy had said softly with the weird glint in his eyes. "You too have always felt that you wanted to destroy your world, have you not?"

I did not answer. Something was definitely missing, but what?

Right now, as I write everything down, I still feel the uneasiness I had felt then. Something is missing. Yes, I am Jack, Jack of Hearts... But there has to be something more!

Something more than this...

- Jack of Hearts

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