Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV
"(Y/N)!" Someone yelled.

I turned around only to feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me, picking me up from the ground.

"I missed you, (Y/N)!" The voice I could only recognize as Tyson.

"Can't...breathe." I said.

Tyson let go of me and smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. Percy was right behind him.


"It's good to see you, Tyson. How are you?"

"Great!" Tyson exclaimed. "Look I fixed your shield too!"

He brought out the wristwatch that was damaged last winter. He activated it and the shield activated flawlessly.

"Tyson, it's even better than before. I mean it was beautiful before but now it's just amazing."

Tyson grinned proudly as he turned the shield back to its watch form before giving it to me.

"Now we could go play!"


All three of us went to the canoe lake, where Tyson told us all about his job at the Cyclopes' forges. But while Tyson kept talking, my mind couldn't help but wonder about Grover's problem with the council. Annabeth already told him a way that could help him, but he still wasn't sure if it's the best way. But unless there's a better idea than Annabeth, which I really doubt it, the council will take away Grover's searcher's license. That will crush him. Finding Pan was always his dream, just like his father's and his uncle's before they disappeared.

I felt Percy's gaze on me but I just smiled at him reassuringly. I don't need Percy to worry about me. There's more important things to be worried about. You know, with evil Titan regenerating and overthrow the gods so he could rule again.

"What's this 'other way'?" Percy asked.

"What?" I asked, snapping me out of my thoughts of Grover.

"Clarisse mentioned this other way. What is it?"

I placed my hand in the water and started playing around with it by making a tiny whirlpool (not a literal one) without using my powers.

"Something Clarisse scouted out. Annabeth helped her a little during the spring. I offered my help too, but they told me to continue my training. It would be dangerous...especially for Grover."

"Goat boy scares me." Tyson murmured.

We both stared at him. Tyson had faced down fire-breathing bulls, sea monsters, cannibal giants, and other monsters.

"Why would you be scared of Grover?" Percy asked him.

"Hooves and horns," Tyson muttered nervously. "And goat fur makes my nose itchy."

That pretty much ended our conversation about Grover. We talked a bit more until I realized what time it was.

"I need to go practice with Quintus before dinner." I told Percy and Tyson. "He's been teaching me new moves on swordfighting."

"We'll go too." Percy said.

"Alright then. But just to let you know, Quintus is very difficult to beat."


Percy's POV
We all went down to the sword arena where Quintus was glad to have company. He still wouldn't tell me what was in the wooden crates, but he did teach me a few sword moves. The guy was good. He fought the way some people play chess-like he was putting all the moves together and you couldn't see the pattern until he made the last stroke and won with a sword at your throat.

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