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Julie's POV

I hear many familiar voices whispering, so I can't make out what they are saying. My vision is slightly blurred so I can't see their faces until I blink a few times. One of the selected, I think her name is Grace, is talking to Emily, I believe. Both are very kind, and I wouldn't mind if they won.

Grace carries a basket of goodies and Emily a card. I am very touched to see them here. They were some of the few who didn't seem upset when I came back from the wedding. They are trying to convince a nurse to come talk to me. "It's very kind girls, but she is sleeping. I'll give them to her when she wakes," I hear the nurse saying sternly with a glance in my direction. She sees my open eyes.

"Ah, you're awake," she says checking the cuts. Grace and Emily come over with a smile, but the nurse shoos them away. "She needs rest," she tells them beckoning them away. "It's okay," I say, my voice quiet, but they hear anyway. Grace smiles triumphantly and the nurse gives a sigh, "Oh, all right!" She hands me the basket carefully, her eyes widening at the cut that trails down the side of my face. "We hope you get well soon! Me and Emily made this little basket for you" she tells me with sincerity. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me," I reply, equally sincere. Emily hands me the big card. "A couple of the selected wrote some notes in here for you," she tells me, her hand grabbing mine as a comforting gesture.

Tears of thankfulness leak from my eyes and I immediately dab them away. "Thank you, so much," I tell them, hugging each of them awkwardly from the bed. Just then I hear my mom's voice. "I don't care if she should be resting! I'm going to see my daughter!" my mom shrieked to the nurse. "Well, why don't I just let the whole castle come and see her!" the maid said as she threw her hands up in surrender.

"Oh, Julie!" Kaitlyn runs to me and hugs me tightly. Mom gently pulls her off, "Kaitlyn, sweetie, we don't want to hurt her." Jason takes the hand unoccupied by Emily and squeezes it. "I've missed you Jason," I whisper. "I was so worried I'd never see my twin again," he says, tears clouding his eyes. "I'm okay. It's all over now," I reassure him. "Okay? Julie, every inch of you's covered in cuts or bruises and you were kidnapped by rebels! Okay?" Jason voice rises with every word. "Calm down, Jason," I say to him in my calmest voice. He sits.

Emily and Grace leave and I wave goodbye. Immediately my mom takes their place. "Honey, I was so worried. Look at you! You're so thin and look at all of these cuts! Are you okay?" mom says, her hand on my cheek. Dad comes out from behind everyone, "Holly, give her some space. Julie, my beautiful daughter, you are a fighter, you'll be perfect no matter what," dad tells me with perfect certainty. "Thanks, dad," I whisper.

Someone walks in, but I can't see them as I'm surrounded by my family. Kaitlyn looks up and a smile reaches across her face. Then, a pair of ocean blue eyes come into view. Kaitlyn 'oohs' into my ear and I feel my face heating up in spite of myself. My dad, thankfully, pulls my mom and sister away, but Jason refuses to move, so dad doesn't argue.

"Hey, Julie. You might have dropped something," Lucas says as he hands me the key necklace. I immediately put it on, thankful to have it back. Something else is there, something besides the necklace, but I can't quite place it. It shows from his eyes and in his careful movements. "Thanks," I tell Lucas and he smiles back at me, his eyes gazing into mine.

Jason holds onto my hand more protectively as I continue to look at Lucas. He is squeezing tightly over a cut. "Ow, Jason! Too tight!" I finally exclaim, opening his hand to relieve the pressure. "Sorry," he said quickly, looking like he's worried I'm going to break. "Don't worry, I'll be fine," I reassure him, but Jason doesn't believe me and keeps his hand off mine. I decide not to press the issue.

Lucas looks at the time, "Darn it! It's time for the council meeting. Bye, Julie." I wave goodbye to him as he's turning to leave. He gives me a smile and I melt, just before he leaves. My family comes around me again, Kaitlyn behind me playing with my hair, my mom rubbing my feet and my dad grabs the hand unoccupied be Jason.

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