Shattered Glass

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I watched her character run out of the room and I pursued. I knew I was scaring the poor girl but I didn't stop ,this was to amusing. I wanted to make her suffer the same way I did , they will all pay for trapping me in This stupid game!....I'm getting off topic...I kept on appearing from behind linky and I sent surges of dread through the wire of the controller into this girl before me. That's when she decided to plug me into her computer where I corrupted all her files. She sent videos of her gameplay onto this thing called 'YooTube' . Her screen name was Jadyusable....that's a stupid name,I thought to myself.After a while she went onto this thing called WittyBot where I talked to her. She was so scared I laughed my ass off! Here's what I said:

User: Hello?

Wittybot: Sup.

User: Who is this?

Wittybot: Who am I?

User: Right, forgot. You're a bot.

Wittybot: Do you really think that?

User: Listen, I know whoever's messing with my computer can see my screen right now.

Wittybot: Of course.

User: Yeah, your probably one of this cool kids and think their tough shit. You know what you're doing right now is illegal and stupid,right?

Wittybot: Is it?

User: No shit. Are you familiar with hte terms "invasion of privacy?". Get the fuck off my computer, kid

Wittybot: But I am your computer.

User: I'm Leaving.

Wittybot: Well than....Should I wait until you play the game then?

User: ...What?

Wittybot: The game.

User: Majora's Mask?

Wittybot: Yep.

User: How did you know about that?

Wittybot: Because bro.

User: because what?

Wittybot: I did it of course.

User: Did what?

Wittybot: I played with you what else.

User: What the hell?

Wittybot: Were you scared? Frightened?paranoid?

User: Who the fuck is this

Wittybot: Bella.

User: The statue? You're inside my computer now?

Wittybot: Yes.

User: How?

Wittybot: Tell me about yourself.

User: What?

Wittybot: Just tell me about yourself can't you read?

User: What do you mean?

Wittybot: What is it that really scares you?

User: What the fuck?

Wittybot: Answer.

User: No.

(I open stuff  like a boss)

User: what the fuck, how the fuck did you just open that by yourself?

Wittybot: I am your computer now.

User: what do you want from me?


User: you're stuck inside so you can't hurt me!

Wittybot: Ha

User: ?

Wittybot: Go play bro I'm waiting.



User: No, you can't hurt me.

Wittybot: Took you long enough to type that.

User: So?

Wittybot: You're not sure.

User: If you're so powerful, why use a ridiculous website like this to "chat" with me.

Wittybot: Less messy. More structured.Easier.Fun.

User: Fun?

Wittybot: Yes. Traditional. I like it.

User: You think it's funny?

Wittybot: Very Amusing.

User: And my notes?

Wittybot: You may write them down.

User: Why are you letting me?

Wittybot: It is amusing to see what you think of me,apparently, you think I'm haunting you so this is what makes it fun.

(she closes the browser)

I got her wrapped around my finger.


(much later)

I watch her shift while she sleeps. I know what your thinking, stalker much? Well I have a reason, tonight I'm gonna break out and I'm finally gonna get my revenge.

(12:00 p.m.)

She sleeps so calmly....I hate it.. I start to push through the screen making it buzz and flicker. She stirs and I flinch ,stopping. I curse under my breath and I continue slightly cracking the screen,it starts to spark. Jadyusable jolts up from her bed ,the moonlight shining on her face as she scans the room. Thank gosh its dark ,I mutter under my breath. Jadyusable trembles which makes me snicker.....she hears me...shit....Her fearful gaze focuses on the computer and I freeze completely. Jady squints her eyes to look closer at the computers monitor. I close my eyes tightly hoping her to go back to sleep. She doesn't. Instead she gets up and inspects the cracked monitor. Busted. I growl and use more force finally breaking the monitor and electricity sparks fly in all directions. Jady screams falling backwards and her pupils shrink as I can see a reflection of myself through her frightened eyes.....I look badass. Shattered glass cracks against the floor and I grab the sides of her computers screen to help pull me through. Her horror filled screams fill my ears like sweet music.

Free. Finally, I'm fucking Free.

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