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I woke up and checked the time. It was 1pm and I was barely waking up. The weird part is that I have no clue where I am.

"Good morning sunshine, or should I say afternoon," I turn towards the voice and see that it's Joel.

"Gosh Joel. What are you doing here? Where am I?" I ask.

"Relax B. I'm here because this is my house which also answers the question of where you are," he explains.

"Woah, why am I at your house? This isn't how I remember the house looking from last week," I say as I look around confused.

"Let's just say you had quite the party last night, and it doesn't look the same because this is my own individual house incase of an emergency," he laughs.

He walks towards the bed I'm at and hands me some water and advil.

"Thanks," I say taking it.

"Yeah no problem."

"Tell me this isn't your bed."

"Well do you want the truth or a lie?" He laughs.

"Why did you leave me your bed? Where did you sleep?"

"Here with you."

"No you didn't!"

"I did. You're the one who didn't want me to leave."

"Why would I not want you to leave? I have a boyfriend!"

"I just slept and you did too. Nothing happened B, chill."

"Where's Christopher?"

"At the police station."

"The what?! Why is he there?" I was freaking out now. What had happened last night that he was at the police station.

"Well he's not the only one."

Now I was starting to get even more worried. This is why no one should drink. I have no memory of last night and now Christopher and others are at the police station while I just woke up from sleeping in Joel's bed with him.

"Tell me what happened," I say to Joel, while I'm holding my head cause I cannot stand it right now.

"Ok. You had a few too many drinks and crashed out at around 2am. Everyone else was still having a good time but you slept on a couch near the entrance. Then at around 3 Erick, being Erick, got in a fight with some random guy cause he was going towards you and then Christopher saw but he didn't see the other guy so he went at Erick and then they started fighting. I ran to get you and brought you here cause they were so close to falling on you. So I carried you to my car and we got here at almost 4. Which was also around the time Erick called me from the station saying to bail him out today because he wanted me to make sure you were ok first. He also told me who else was in there so that's how I know Christopher's there too. That's your beautiful party story princess."

"Wow. I slept through all that?" I say surprised that I missed all that.

"Yeah," he laughs, "so get ready cause we have to go bail Erick out."

"So I guess I can't be mad at you guys anymore. You guys actually care about me."

"Always B. You want some of my clothes?"

"Thank you and yes please."

He walks towards his closet and hands me one of his hoodies and some sweats.

"I'll just be right outside the door so we can go get Erick."

"Yeah I'll be quick."

He walks out the door and I start changing. Once I'm done I go outside and we get in the car to go bail Erick out.

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