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Joel's POV

I was out of the shower and decided to just put on some sweats for now so I'd be more comfortable while Bailey gets ready which will probably be a really long time. I walk to the room and was about to tell Bailey she can have the bathroom for as long as she wanted now, but I see her peacefully sleeping. After debating whether or not to wake her up I decided to let her sleep for a few more minutes because I knew it had been a long day.

A couple minutes later I hear a knock on the door and go see who it is. It was Erick so I open the door.

"Where's Bailey?" He asks.

"Sleeping. Why?"

"I got her dress, duh."

"Oh let me see," I say excited.

"Here. I got her a couple options," he says handing me three bags.

"You bought all of this in less than an hour? By yourself?" I ask surprised.

"No, I found a genie and my three wishes were wasted on dresses," he says sarcastically.

"You're so dumb," I say smacking his head and looking at the dresses.

"You're the dumb one who asked," Erick says trying to smack me back.

"Ok ok. Just be quiet cause she's sleeping," I tell him and continue to look over the dresses.
"Dude, really?" I ask him while I pick up the last dress.

"What? I told her I'd get her a hot party dress," He says holding his hands up.

"This has 'I'm single, date me' all over it."

"She is though," Erick says and laughs which causes me to smack him again.

"She's not wearing this one for sure," I say.

"What if she wants to?"

"Every single guy at that party will want her."

"Someone's getting protective," Erick laughs.

"Come on. It's Bailey we're talking about, of course I'm getting protective."

"Alright well I'm going to go get ready," he says and pats my back while I'm putting the dresses back in their bags, "By the way you might want to wake her up now, she'll get kind of mad if she doesn't have enough time," he laughs and opens the door.

"Yeah ok. I'll wake her up right now," I reply and he leaves so I close the door.

I put the dresses on the closet rack and go wake Bailey up. I didn't want to scream at her to get up so I sit on the bed next to her and lightly shake her so wakes up.

"Bailey, wake up love," I say and poke her arm but she just groans and moves away, "Bailey you need to get up now," I laugh.

"No," she says and covers her head with the blanket.

I pull the blanket off and start tickling her so she'd get up.

"St--stoooop Joel. I'm...up," she says in between laughter.

"Good now go get ready. Oh and Erick brought over the dresses," I say while getting up from the bed.


"Yeah he got you three so you could choose."

"Yay. Where are they I want to see," she says excitedly.

"On the closet rack."

She walks over to the closet and gets each dress out of its bag.

"They're so pretty. I love this one," she says holding the dress that I hoped she wouldn't wear.

"Ugh," I groan, "I really hoped you wouldn't choose that one."

"What? Why? It's so pretty."

"Ok, first of all it's nice but if you wear that every guy will have their eyes on you."

"Awww Joel's looking out for me," she says and gives me a hug.

"Yes, I always do."

"Fine. Then you choose the dress I should wear while I go shower," she says and puts the dresses back where they were then goes to the bathroom.

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