Journal Entry: 13- THE DATE pt. 3

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Dear Felicia,
        I already know what you're gonna say, but I was REALLY busy yesterday, okay? So I'm gonna finish telling you the rest of everything that happened at that date.


"Hi, I'm your waitress Wendy, can I start you off with something to drink?" our waitress said.

"I'll have a coke and an appetizer of mozzarella sticks." Very fattening. "Luke?"

Ashton looked at me, meaning he was expecting me to order a drink from the waitress.

"Oh um, I'll have the same as him, just uh, without the appetizer," I said. She gave me a confused look but nodded and wrote my order down.

Ashton laughed and said "you could've just order a Coke, stupid." I hesitantly laughed along with him, but once I was laughing, my food worries went to the back of my head once again, and I was determined to have a great date.

"You can't take me anywhere," I chuckled. Ashton rolled his eyes and smiled, but then his face lit up when he thought of something.

That is yet another one of my favorite things about Ashton, his facial expressions. You can tell when he's excited for something. His eyes brighten and widen and his smile is wide but he doesn't speak of what he's thinking about unless someone asks him. Its intriguing. I love it.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. He looked out at the sun that was close to setting and looked at me, grinning.

"Lets get dinner and I'll show you afterwards," he told me.

•an hour later•

We finished dinner and Ashton guides me to where he was looking at. Or should I say, what he was looking at.

One thing I forgot to mention that was also peeping out in the sunset; a ferris wheel.

The ferris wheel seemed to be the main attraction of the carnival that Ashton took me to. The ferris wheel was big and bright and the basic stereotype of a ferris wheel that you'd see in a movie.

And well, the carnival on the other hand, thats a different story.

There were very few people there, and as Ashton and I walked under the large arch that was the entrance to the carnival, it was hard not to notice that the staff outnumbered the number of people actually attending the carnival, at least 7 to 1.

It was beautifully decorated though, and even if there were a few odd booths like 'TAROT CARD READINGS FROM CHILDREN!' or 'LEARN TO CONTORT WITH LACEY THE CONTORTIONIST', I was with Ashton, and I was happy. There were no fans screaming, no paparazzi cameras flashing, it was just us walking around under the carnival lights and stars, which replaced the sunset that was our background and our scenery just an hour before.

"Ashton, this is fantastic," I said to him while we were waiting in a (very) short line to get our tickets.

"I thought it'd be fun."

"It will be," I assured him.

After we got our tickets, Ashton booked it to the ferris wheel, running as if someone was trying to race him there, even though the whole place was practically a ghost town.

"Ashton, wait up!" I called after him, speeding up my pace. He stopped once he got in the front of the line and looked back at me proudly, smiling as he said "now we get to be the first ones on."

"You're so weird," I said to him, but still smiled. He grabbed my hand as he handed the tickets to the ticket booth guy who's name tag read 'Alex'.

"Hey Ashton!" Alex said to him. I looked at him, not understanding how they knew each other. "You're on seat 11, have a good time," Alex said to us. Ashton thanked him and led me onto the ferris wheel cart. His eyes were gleaming as he looked at me and I looked up at the stars, seeing  they were shining and bold, but not quite as bright as the eyes of the boy sitting next to me.

The ferris wheel slowly went up with only two other people in a cart. As it stopped at the highest point, we looked out at the view in front of us. It was perfect and romantic and absolutely incredible.

"I love it here," Ashton said. I looked at him and tilted my head, intrigued.

"You've been here before?"

"Alone, yeah. Its calming and not crowded and no one cares if you're "famous" or whatever," he said, putting famous in quotations. "Its probably my favorite place in the world." So thats how Alex knew him.

"Wow. Thats a big statement, this place being your favorite place in the world. I mean, we've been so many places," I told him. He nodded his head and processed my words for a moment.

"But," he said, "when you're away from home and have to be in front of people constantly, its nice to get away to somewhere cozy. And once you've been here enough, familiar."

He leaned in and boom, fireworks. Actual, literal fireworks bursted out in the sky above us, scaring us both so badly that we almost fell out of the cart.

"Oh god, I forgot to tell you, they have firework shows here too," he squeaked out. I laughed and he laughed along too, and the ferris wheel went back down. We walked off of it when it came to a complete stop, Ashton and I walked around, occasionally glancing at the fireworks above us.

"The firework show also signals five minutes until their closing time, so we should probably get going," Ashton said to me. I nodded and after Ash said goodbye to any of the employees he saw (he personally knew all them, of course).

Ashton drove us back playing the rest of All Time Lows new album, which fit the mood perfectly. We arrived to the tour bus, but Ashton didn't move out of his seat.

"Sorry, I just don't want this to be over yet," he said to me.

"Well," I said, turning to him and leaning in, "lets try that firework kiss again."

He leaned in as well and when our lips met, it felt as if they were molded for each other. It sounds stupid and cheesy and overrated, but it was true perfection, the only statement describing that entire night.

I wished we would have just stayed there longer, but we unfortunately went into the tour bus. The first thing Ashton got when he walked in was a pure punch in the face.

*recaps ended*

I'll tell you everything else later.
So overwhelmed right now.

How'd you guys enjoy this?
I freaking loved writing it.
All the love x

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