Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Peeta's POV

I've read that the older trains used to sway. I guess that would be hard to sleep with. The trains we have now though, you don't feel anything; it's like remaining motionless. It's quite easy to sleep.

I glance down at Katniss in my arms, her face relaxed in sleep. All her worries and troubles are forgotten for the time being. No worries about our upcoming interview plague her in sleep.

I watch as the sun rises through the window; Katniss shifts in my arms.

"How long have you been up?" Katniss asks, her voice thick with sleep.

"Not long," I reply, looking down at her.

She pushes up and out of my arms. "How far are we from the Capitol?"

"I'm not for sure. It can't be far now," I say, now sitting as well.

"So not far from torture," she mutters.

"It can't be that bad," I say.

"You have never gone through it," Katniss says, plopping down on the bed.

"I would rather not go through it, based on what you have told me," I say, a small laugh escaping my lips.

"See. Even you think it is torture. You just won't say it out loud," Katniss says arms crossed across her chest.

"Yes, I do," I say, leaning down placing a quick kiss to her nose.

"Do you think if we pretend to sleep, we won't have to do anything today?" Katniss asks.

"I am fairly certain Effie would wake us up, and we would still have to do what she wants," I say, pushing off the bed. "Now, let's grab some breakfast."

"Okay," Katniss readily agrees.


Effie is already up and babbling something along the lines about Haymitch being lazy. Katniss and I ignore her and try to enjoy our breakfast.

I remember when the richness of this food would make us sick. We were not used to it due to the plain food we had in District Twelve. Twelve has better food now; people can afford more food and luxury items. People have better jobs. We have a better, more efficient, Earth-friendly source of energy. The way people a long time ago started using: water, wind, and solar. Of course, District Four is the one that used the water method the most. We do still use old ways such as coal, but only a little.

Behind me the door slides open, followed by drunken footsteps. Haymitch.

"There you are!" Effie exclaims.

"Here I am," Haymitch grumbles, sitting down at the table with the rest of us.

"Do you always have to be hung over?" Effie questions.

"It helps me, sweetheart," Haymitch says, grabbing a piece of toast and smearing butter all over it.

"Well, we need you sober for the interview," Effie says, pulling a big pad of paper out. "Now, we have much to do discuss before we reach the Capitol in just one short hour."

I push my plate back and settle back in my chair.

"When we arrive in the Capitol, there will be a car waiting. All you have to do is smile and wave for the cameras before getting in the car," Effie says, reading from her list.

"Or not," Katniss mumbles.

Effie ignores her comment and continues. "The car will take us to our hotel, where you will prepare for the interview. Our outfits have already been decided and there is no changing it. You will have exactly two hours to get ready."

"Do we get a time for lunch?" Katniss asks.

"Oh, well, I guess I can schedule that it," Effie says, the pen scratching at the paper. "Okay, you will have one and half hours to get ready. Before you get ready you will eat."

"Isn't that a little early for lunch?" Haymitch questions.

"Well, you are not eating after you are dressed. You are not going to ruin your outfits. Now, once the time is up and everyone is ready we will get in another car to head to the interview. It will be the same routine for this interview as the ones you gave after you won. Of course there will be different questions. Remember to always answer the questions."

"What if I'm not comfortable with the question asked?" I question.

"Just answer the question," Effie exclaims. "Also, I guess I should mention that there will be other things for us to do in the Capitol. We'll have to make appearances at all the memorials opening up. It will be about two weeks before you can go back to Twelve."

"You are just now telling us this," Katniss says.

"Well, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Besides, it will fly by. The first opening of the memorials doesn't start for four days. It will start with One and continue down the line to Twelve." 

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