Chapter 4

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I followed Lux back to her room. I was silent through the whole journey back to her room. A twisting pain had filled my heart as I thought of Calix. If he wasn't picked then he would be alone. He had never been alone in his entire existence.

"Pack your bags, come back here as soon as you're done," Lux said as she opened her door. She made a dismissive wave towards me.

I nodded and scurried down the hall. The slippers silenced my footfalls as I walked down the wooden corridor. I slipped past a group of Delta's, they were far too intoxicated to notice me anyways. Opening the back door, I was greeted with the smell of outside. The aroma of the sea washed over me like a wave.

"Cyra!" Calix's arms wrapped around me as he said my name.

"Hey, Calix," I whispered and returned my twins embrace.

"I was so worried, you didn't come back after chore time was done and I was so worried," His speech was rushed as he pulled back and frowned when he saw my apparel, "What's with the clothes? Where did you get them?"

I licked my lips and shuffled my feet. "That's the thing, Calix, I'm leaving," I whispered.

"You're what?"

"I'm leaving Calix. The Weven pack came to visit and their Alpha wants me to come back with her. Greenson has already agreed to it and I'll leave tomorrow." I said quietly.

"No. No, no, you can't leave me!" His arms came crashing around me once more.

"You might be able to come with me. She want's several different Omega's and if she chooses you. . ." I trailed.

He nodded and squeezed me tightly in his grasp. "Don't worry Cyra, I'll figure it out then."

"I have to get my stuff. Then she wants me to go back to her room." I told him.

He let me go and we both walked to the large leaky shack in the back. The door was broken and it swung off its hinges, wide open to the world. That didn't help the smell of sweat, blood, and despair though. Hammocks hung from every rafter and filled the shack from bottom to top. Omega's were piled on top of each other. They slept fitfully and the younger ones were huddled on the floor. They cried and whined for their parents that had abandoned them.

I picked my way through the bodies carefully. In the corner of the shack, the floor was covered in hay. I flopped down the itchy grass and peeled back a floorboard. Underneath was a cloth sack that I had put all my most prized possessions in. I slung the sack on my back and picked my way through the bodies once more.

"Hey, one eye! Where do you think you're going?" Someone sneered.

The whole shack shook as bodies stirred. Everyone was awakened by the voice. They looked around sleepily. Some of them instinctively clutched makeshift weapons in their hands. Everyone knew that when someone slunk into this place late at night, they were usually up to no good.

I ignored the voice and hastened my pace. I could feel arms grasping at me as I carelessly brushed past people. The sack felt like a burden on my back.

"Look! One eye thinks that she can leave!" Another voice joined in the chorus of groans.

I darted out. The night welcomed me in its embrace as I stepped onto the hard packed ground. The shoes protected my feet as I walked along. Twigs that usually sunk into my feet now were deflected off. I looked back to see that Calix had left me.

A stinging pain darted through my chest. I had a feeling that this would be the last time I saw my twin. I tried to shake the feeling off as I walked back into the house. The earlier group of Delta's were passed out drunk on the couch.

I nimbly leaped over the sleeping forms and slid into the hallway. I let out a sigh of relief and started to make my journey back to Lux's room. Luckily, I ran into nobody else.

I knocked on the door. The soft knocks echoed through the hallway. I cringed at the noise, hoping I hadn't managed to disturb anyone. The door swung open and I was met with her silhouette lounging in the doorway.

"Oh good, I was afraid someone finally killed you." A slight tone of sarcasm slipped into her speech.

I walked into the room and sat the filthy stained sack in the corner of the room. I fidgeted nervously and stood in the corner. A little bit of my hair had slipped out of the braid and was wildly hanging in my face.

She licked her pearly white teeth, her canines glinting in the candle light. She shut the door and slunk to her bed. Her hair was still done with the careless braids tangled through it. She paused, turning to me.

"You never said what happened to your eye."

"You never asked again."

She snorted in amusement and sat on the bed. She patted a spot beside her, motioning for me to sit. Her body language was casual and careless.

I sat beside her stiffly. My heart pounded out of my chest. I couldn't tell if it was from fear though or the warm fluttery feeling in my stomach. Either way, I felt uncomfortable as the feared Alpha leaned close to me. The tip of her nose barely brushed mine.

Her breath was sweet as she spoke. "The fear pouring off your body in waves only makes me want to hunt you down. I would try to control it if I were you."

I shuddered slightly, nodding my head. "Yes, Alpha."

She pulled away. A hunter's smile graced her face. "You're expected to sleep on the floor tonight."

"Yes, Alpha." I murmured.

I slid off the bed and curled onto the plush carpet. Humility stained my features. This was better than sleeping with the other Omega's though and I should count myself lucky. Suddenly, a pillow landed beside me along with a blanket.

I greedily grabbed the items and wrapped myself up in the blanket. I gripped the pillow tightly and made a noise of content. The pillow was large and soft. It was something I never experienced.

"Thank you, Alpha," I whispered quietly.

"I suppose it would have been cruel to make you sleep like that."

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