Chapter 6

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I sat in the captain's quarters, my legs tucked up in the hammock along with the rest of my body. I watched lazily as Lux paced back and forth, huffing and puffing before sitting down and continuing the cycle. Her hand had been freshly scrubbed of the blood that had covered it earlier.

I found out that she had beaten the Delta that had mistakenly put me with the other Omega's. The blood had dried in the time it had taken to find me. I sighed and slid back into the large hammock, it swung with the motion of the ship. It was slowly lulling me into sleep.

I yawned and blinked, stretching out before curling back up again. The pain of leaving Calix was still fresh but it didn't hurt as much if I didn't focus on it. I wondered what he was doing now. Dusk had fallen hours ago, now the night reigned with the stars and the moon in the sky.

I peered down at the sack. It had been a long time since I had brought it out and now that it laid only a foot away from me I couldn't help but ache to pull out its contents. I slowly slid my hand down, watching Lux pace the floor. When I finally grabbed the edge of the bag I pulled it up, the fabric ripping.

I watched in horror as my most prized possessions spilled onto the floor. I flipped out of the hammock and desperately grabbed at the trinkets. I swooped them into my arms, holding them close.

"What's this?" Lux questioned, holding a creamy, thick paper that was rolled and tied with a ribbon.

"That's mine!" I flailed my arms in an attempt to get the paper, dropping all my other items.

She looked down at me curiously. Her eyes scanning the other items on the floor. She bent down to pick up a bronze gilded soft hairbrush. She turned the hairbrush over and looked back up at me.

"Did you steal all of this?" She dropped the hairbrush carelessly onto the ground.

"No! These are all mine!" I protested, tears welling up.

"There way to nice to belong to an Omega. Where did you get these?" She asked snidely.

I looked up to see her face full of skepticism and cruelty. I looked back down to see the handheld bronze mirror. I picked it up and rubbed at the ornate C that was carved in the handle. I looked into the reflective surface and saw my imperfect feature.

It was a hideous thing. My left eye had a large, thick scar that went over it. The scar ran from my eyebrow cutting through it, to my cheekbone. My actual eye though was the real ugliness. The milky blue film obscured the whole of the orb. Marking it blind.

Finally, I whispered hoarsely, "My mother gave these to me before she found out I was an Omega. She and my father were the packs Beta's."

Lux's face changed. The cruelty of it melting and being replaced by pity. She bent down and set the paper down. Her hands gently pushing the mirror down so I could no longer view myself.

"I see." She said softly.

I let out a sniffle, the warning of my oncoming tears. I blinked them away though and started to pick up the little bits of jewelry, putting them back into the ripped bag. I paused though when my fingers brushed against a necklace. It was the present she had given me before my ranking ceremony. It was gold with a moonstone centerpiece.

Lux's hand grabbed the necklace and put it into the bag for me. "Why don't you rest?"

I nodded, climbing into the hammock. I didn't feel like resting but I feared to disobey her or voicing my complaints. I turned my back on her though and closed my eyes. I faked the sleeping, my mind racing.

I heard the knock at the door. Lux's footsteps headed towards it and opened it. Another pair of footsteps echoed into the cabin along with her's. I perked my hearing, interested in whoever it may be.

"My Alpha, you wanted to see me?" Ivor's voice spoke.

"Yes," Lux said, "I wanted to discuss something about the Omega I picked up."

"What about her?'

"Something about her, it's strange Ivor. Every time I'm without her it's excruciating. It's like a burning pain in my chest that won't ebb. When I'm near her though, there no pain and I can't seem to function correctly." Her voice was irritated.

"Is that so?" Ivor's voice was smug sounding.

"Is she some type of mystic? I found that she has Beta parentage, could that be why?"

"Lux, it seems that you're experiencing something similar to the mate bond." He said.

"No," Her voice was filled with disgust, "She's a female, I'm a female! Omega's don't have mates!"

"There have been cases of same gendered mates." He said.

"With males Ivor, the only same gender mates have been with males. The gods do not send a mate of the same gender unless they want an alpha lineage to end." She hissed, frustration building in her tone.

"Your lineage won't have to end, you'll be able to have children." He spoke.

"There is no way she can be my mate." She repeated.

"When we get home, ask the mystic."

"I will."

I laid there as Ivor left. I laid there, completely still as Lux blew out the candles and got into bed. I finally sat up as I listened to her breathing fade into a steady rhythm. I waited several minutes for my eye to adjust to the crippling darkness.

I pondered on the conversation I had just overheard. Could it be true? I thought back to the strange feelings I experienced when she touched me. Is that what it felt like?

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