The Frozen Heart

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Hey Guy's!, how do you do?? I hope everyone is just great!!!...

Meeting after such a longggggg timeee!!!!

So as always this is a small note before beginning my book.. And this time I ain't gonna add a prologue, its really mind wracking task...especially for this book!. Since the idea came up suddenly and I don't have the slightest idea how I am going frame it ahead...;) but let's see....

Also, this is my first work which is going to be a notch a higher in mature content... So far none of my books contain any sort of thing that needed to be deemed as mature!,but this time I tried something different.. In fact the female character unlike my other leads/lead (Ella..for instance) is totally different!. ..and I hope you would love Sofia Sayles too..just as you loved Ella Miller!...

Anyways, coming to the clichéd points...
#1this book is all rights reserved!.,,

#2This book contains MATURE content!!!!read at your own risk!....

#3 All incidents portrayed are fictional and has no resemblance with anyone living or dead!,,,

Now!,this time I thought of one thing....

All those great readers who get their time out to read my book ought to be really thanked!...So I decided that whoever reads or votes can let me know their feedback or just their name through inline comments or PM me....the chapters will be dedicated to them....and if they have any published book,I will add them in my public reading list or if they like give feedback back to them on their books as token of thanks!,.. ..

What do you guys think???....

Also extraordinary thanks for the 1.61k reads on beyond the boundaries!!!!!!

And keep reading...and if you like voting and commenting too!...
Love Red!...

The Frozen Heart (Watty's 2019 ) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now