Chapter- 7

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A/n: Hey guys do you like this chapter??? I hope you are liking Liam and Sofia... Plz keep reading and liking the frozen heart... plz...😍😍

It amazed me how a guy who's probably not more than three or four years older than me could be this busy!

There's someone calling him in every five minutes and since all his work-related calls are forwarded to me, I am the one who needs to attend them. My ears have started to buzz and I think my water intake is going to increase as well because my mouth is going dry with constant talking.

Seriously, how can he be this busy?? All I get calls from is Kristen or my mom or my cousin Natalie sometimes. Jesus, this is insulting and embarrassing!

Calm down stupid! He owns a company while you don't even own an apartment... Don't compare yourself with him! That is what we call embarrassing!

I sighed, my subconscious is right. Who am I even comparing myself with??

Shaking my head, I started reviewing the emails of the past three months. Liam was right when he said the workload is immense. There is so much to do and that also at the same time. I have to attend a call while typing an email and at the same time go through previous documents if required. Everything is thrice as fast-paced as it was at Ericssons and no matter how tiring it is, I must admit I am enjoying myself!

Things would have become harder if Liam's ex-secretary Leila wasn't so efficient. She has made my work ten times easier. I have to be this efficient as well!

I was distracted by my ringing phone and only then did I realised that it's almost lunchtime.

Where did the time go?

"Hello?," I muttered, not bothering to check the id as I headed to the copy room.

"Hello secretary," Kris guffawed. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yeah yeah," I replied. "What's up?"

"I am having a hamburger for lunch right now, what about you?"

"I am chilling in the copy room," I answered, stacking some papers in the printer.

"That sounds so exciting," She mocked.

"Laugh all you want but let me tell you, Ms Paige, I am enjoying myself!," I said.

"Alright alright, calm down! I am glad that you are. I need to know every detail in the evening, okay?"

"Of course. All right, I need to go now. Talk to you later?"

"Yep. Bye," She said.

Ending the call, I gathered the papers and turned to leave but instead found myself staring at an unknown smiling face.

"Hi" The stranger, who is a really handsome guy for the record, said.

He was tall, shorter than Liam though with sandy blonde hairs and sparkling blue eyes. His build was quite muscular and he looked hot in a black Polo T-shirt and denim.

"Hey," I replied, smiling tentatively at him.

"I am Justin and you're?," He inquired, his blue eyes twinkling.

"I am Sofia," I answered.

"Oh, nice to meet you Sofia," He said, giving me a smashing smile.

Wow! He is cute!

"Nice to meet you too Justin," I said, smiling back.

Nothing close to Liam, though!!!.

The Frozen Heart (Watty's 2019 ) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now