Chapter- 5

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I stared out at the vast city stretching in front of me. New York was special. There was a different charm to it. But at the same time the vastness of the city also has the capabilty to make you feel weirdly empty and alone sometimes. While I really don't feel lonely most of the time because I don't have any time for that in the first place, I wouldn't say that I wasn't alone. I was alone despite being surrounded by two great friends, two because I wasn't much of a social person anyway to have a dozen and a loving family, there still has always been this feeling of something missing in my life. I don't know what but just something. But then again, we all were alone in one way or other, isn't it? Life after all was nothing but a jourmey and we humans enter this journey alone and leave this journey alone as well. So maybe feeling alone wasn't really a bad feeling after all.

"Mr McKinnon, Ms Sofia Sayles is here," Lisa, my makeshift secretary for now said peeping into my office and distracting me from my weird thoughts.

"Send her to the meeting room, I will be there in five," I answered and she nodded.

"Okay sir," She muttered and retreated just as silently as she came. I took a deep breath and straightened myself out, ready to meet that one big mystery of a woman and grabbing the contract that Sofia needs to sign headed out.

Ideally, I wondered whether I have done it right by hiring Sofia just because I felt it inside me to do so. She doesn't have any experience regarding this position but then again Ericsons gave a good review about her and she does have skills so maybe it was alright. My brain was overworking today, I realised. It was overthinking every tiny thing.

Shaking my head, I headed to the meeting room keeping aside the second thoughts that were rising. I checked my watch and it was exactly five minutes past ten.

She was punctual...

When I reached the meeting room I found Sofia staring transfixed at one of the paintings on the wall. I grabbed the moment to assess her. That night, it was alll dark and hazy in my mind. But now in the broad daylight, I could definitely appreciate her better even though I don't know why do I need to do that in the first place.

She wasn't tall but average height, maybe 5'5 and petite. Her dark hairs were quite voluminous and almost touched her waist. She was wearing a burgundy shift dress that accentuated her figure perfectly. I randomly wondered if she worked out. Her physique and posture was perfect.

"I don't know much about art, maybe you can enlighten me?," I said coming to stand beside her.

"Mr McKinnon!" She gasped almost jumping with surprise. It amuses me so much when she says Mr McKinnon like that. It proves that she remembers nothing about that night. And I don't know why but I sure get the kicks out of that.

"You are so handsome...."

"I am sorry, I didn't see you," She said much composed and I gave her a small smile.

"It's perfectly fine Ms Sayles, " I replied, "May I know what is so fascinating about this painting?"

The painting Sofia was staring at was a simple oil painting of a fruit basket. Sure it was quite vibrant but that was it, just a fruit basket. What was so fascinating about it?

"A Caravaggio is always fascinating Mr McKinnon," She replied still staring. I frowned at her. I wasn't much of an artist. Art was simply boring to me. Something that hardly makes sense but of course who doesn't know Michelangelo.

"Are you sure this is a Caravaggio?" I asked, wondering what a painting made by such a legendary artist is doing in my office. Was that even legal?

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