Chapter- 6

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"To a new start and to the Mckinnons!"Kristen said raising her wine glass.

"To a new start," I replied laughing.

"God, at last, your three months break is over," Kris said and I nodded.

"I am so glad about that," I replied, taking the last sip of my wine and shoving the glass away.

"Whoa, no more today," Kris exclaimed "You are  turning over a new leaf after all,"

"Yes, I am," I chuckled "Plus I have to get up early tomorrow. I can't afford to be down with a hangover,"

"Yeah right, "Kris agreed "Who knocked sense into you, may I know?"

"Situations, past experiences and Liam," I replied.


"Yes, he warned me today that he won't tolerate any glitches in work, and he can be really mean about that particular matter,"

"Ooh," Kris muttered, "You should be careful of him,".

"Yeah right, he's a serial killer at loose after all," I said, laughing at my own lame joke.

"No really Sofia, I mean it," Kris said. I frowned and stared at her. Her humour was gone and now she looks deadly serious.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't know much about Liam but what I do know is that he doesn't have a good reputation in the matter of girls. He changes girlfriend just like he changes his clothes, so I think you should maintain a little distance from him, you know. I don't want you to get hurt," Kris said.

I burst out with laughter at Kristen's super serious expression.

"Kris, he's just my boss, there are no possibilities of anything happening between us ever and anyway you haven't seen him, there's no way someone like me would be his choice, not after he has dated someone as gorgeous as Emily Blunt anyway," I said.

"Yeah, but still you should be a little cautious," She insisted.

"Okay, I will keep a pepper spray with me just in case," I replied laughing. Kristen scowled at me and then joined in. We were suddenly distracted by my vibrating mobile. I frowned at the caller ID.

"Who's it?" Kris asked.

"Dad," I replied. Kristen raised her brow and I shrugged.

It's very unusual for my uber disciplined parents to call me at almost ten in the night, and it's even weirder for my dad to call me at all because mostly it's my mom who does that, occasionally to knock some sense into me whenever she might be getting bad feelings about her only daughter.

"Dad?" I exclaimed, "Is everything alright?"

"Of course, why?" He said, sounding puzzled.

"No, you usually don't call this late so I wondered if everything is alright," I replied.

"Can't I just call to check on my daughter?" He muttered. I frowned at my phone.

Okay, what's wrong?

"No, of course, you can, it's just usually you don't so...never mind, how are you? And mom?" I asked.

"We are fine honey. How did your interview go? Your mom's told me about it,"

"It was good and well I got the job. I join tomorrow," I said.

"That's great!congratulations dear, "Dad exclaimed.

The Frozen Heart (Watty's 2019 ) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now