Chapter three: nothing more

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The team safely arrived at Keith's house after running from the Garrison while saving Shiro.

When they made it back safely they left Shiro on Keith's couch to rest while Keith and Lance talked quietly on the front porch.

"It's been almost a year." Lance started. "I've missed you." He said sitting next to Keith.

"That's funny because after I left I've learned nothing about my family or who I am" Keith said faking a smile.

"Do you regret leaving?" Lance questioned.

"I only regret leaving you." Keith smiled at Lance as he put his hand on his knee.

"Keith, I've never stopped thinking about the day you left. I wish that you would have" Lance trailed off looking away from Keith.

Keith put a hand on Lance's cheek to direct his gaze to him. Lance smiled and swiftly pressed his lips against Keith's.

Keith was taken off guard by this. He even almost fell backwards.

"Lance-" Keith began but, was cut off by another one of Lance's passionate kisses.

"Lance! Keith! Get in here, Shiro just woke up!" Pidge yelled as they opened the front door causing the two to break apart before the small pidge Gundermen could see what they had done only seconds before hand.

Keith walked inside as Lance sat awkwardly on the porch embarrassed with red cheeks.

Lance walked inside as Shiro and Keith walked out. He sat on the couch as he waited for them to return.

When they came back Keith pulled out a chart with all kinds of photos of blue lion cave drawings and strange pictures.

Lance stared at them memorized. He felt as if they were calling to him.


Next thing they knew they were in the middle of no where. They all had followed Keith to the dessert where he claimed to have found the blue lion cave markings.

Every time Keith turned his head he would see Lance by his side. Every time Lance would smile at Keith he would have to hide the red blush that would cover his face.

Keith had it bad. He was absolutely head over heels for Lance. He wanted nothing more than to say 'screw the blue lion' and go make out with Lance but, he knew that he couldn't do that.

The team made their way to the cave that's when Keith felt a slight tug on his jacket. It was Lance.

"Hey Lance." Keith smiled.

"I can't help but, to get a strange feeling about this "Blue Lion". There's something about it...." Lance trailed on.

"Look" Keith said grabbing Lance's hand and pressing it against a carve marking.

"There's nothing to worry-" Keith was cut off by the markings glowing blue.

"They've never done that before." Keith said in shock.

"Ummmm!?" Lance said grabbing Keith's hand.

The floor fell from under them and the team fell through the stone tunnel. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith ready to protect him. He held tightly as they hit the ground. Keith landing on top of Lance.

Lance looked up at the black hair boy. He smiled and softly placed a kiss on his lips before Keith rolled off of him.

Luckily no one saw this surprisingly

The team stood up and saw a giant blue lion with a particle barrier around it.

"Does anyone feel like the lions watching them?" Lance questioned.

"Nope. It's just you." Shiro confirmed.

"No, the lions' definitely looking at me" Lance said as he pressed his hand against the particle barrier.

The barrier fell and Keith fell through. Lance picked him up and grabbed his hand but, to only pull him through the lions mouth

Lance rushed in the lion's mouth and sat in the blue pilot chair. He pulled Keith down so that the boy with the mullet was sitting in his lap.

Lance grabbed the collar of Keith's black shirt and pressed his lips against his. The lion roared and the rest of the team rushed in. Keith jumped off of Lances lap and pretended that nothing happened.

To the rest of the team they were only rivals trying to get inside the blue lion first. They were nothing more than rivals.

Nothing more.

This chapter sucked. The next chapter gets better. I promise.

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