Chapter 4

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Ashley's Pov

Today is Monday and we all know what that means.... yup school.. I got to a voice from behind me "good morning babygirl" Brent said "good morning" I said back.

I kissed Brent on the lips then headed to have a quick shower. once I was done I brushed my hair out and dried it, I don't wear make-up because I find it stupid and pointless, I also feel like a rainbow threw up all over my face, so I just don't wear it.

I got changed into my clothes and when I was done, I headed down stares and grabbed some toast and Brent grabbed his favourite cereal frosted flakes.

After we both finished our breakfast we put our stuff in the dish washer then put our shoes and all of the shizniss stuff.

The school bus finally came and we got on, and why didn't we drive you ask? it's because both of us are just way to lazy to drive.

(By the way it's the new school year in the story, sorry I forgot to mention)

"Hey, are you ready?" Brent shakes me from my thoughts "wh-what? oh yeah" I looked out the window and saw the school. I got up from my seat and got out of the bus. I felt arms come around my waist "are you okay?" Brent whispered into my ear "yeah I'm fine.." I lied because I'm still worried about the message from yesterday.

Brent and I went to the main office to get our daily schedule. we got our sheet and I looked to see what I got

1. Math

2. English

3. Science

4. lunch

5. dance

Well at least I got one fun thing on my time table.

Brent grabbed my schedule to see if we have the same class and I looked at his.

We have Math, science together. so with that I headed to my locker and Brent went to his.

I opened my locker to put my stuff in it and grabbed my math stuff until someone said hi "hello" I turned around to a girl about my age she haves blond hair with green eyes and pink tips "hi" I answered "my name is Britney, but you can call me Brit" Britney said and I told her my name.

We started talking for a bit and I had to get to class "so what class do you have?" Britney asked me "I have math, English, science, and dance" I said and we have math and dance with each other.

So we both headed to math, when we got in there I saw Brent in the back saving me a spot, Britney and I sat down, I was in the middle of the two.

Britney looked over and saw Brent and her eyes lights up.

"Omg your Brent rivera" Britney said but she didn't scream "yes I am" Brent said while smiling "man I love his smile" I said to myself and stared at Brent "haha thanks, you have a nice smile to Ashley" "oops did I say that out loud?" I asked, I looked down at my desk because I was blushing.

Brent lift up my head and kissed my lips and I smiled "wait a minute" Britney said "are you two dating?" she said with a smerk "yes we are" I said and every single girl looked at me.

Most of the girls smiled except for one hmm I wonder why.. oh... wait I know why she's just jealous. Brent moved his desk closer to mine and he brought me in to cuddled, mrs.big bottom saw and smiled and just turned around to continue her lesson.

Lunch time

It's finally lunch and I was waiting in line to get my food until... Someone pushed me down I looked up and saw a girl that's in my math class and gave me the glare "what the heck was that for?" I asked calmly "oh just shut your mouth and listen!" she said

"Brent doesn't deserve to have you, your just a pice of trash, and I bet he doesn't even love you he's probably just using you to get to another girl!" she says "n-no your wrong, its not true he loves me more then anything in the world!" I screamed at her making people staring at us "whatever you say.." she says and walks away.

I got up and whipped the tears away from my eyes, Brent came by "Ashley are you okay?" he asked me with concern in his eyes.

"S-she s-says th-that I'm a pi-pice o-of tra-sh" he hugged me and coo sweet stuff to me "shhh it's okay, you are not a pice of trash" I finally stopped crying I looked up at him and said "she also says that you are just using me and that you don't love me.." I said "Ashley, look at me" I looked into his eyes "no matter what anybody says I love you so much and I will never ever use you, Ashley you are the reason why I wake up every morning and when I see you it makes me smile, I love you no matter what and don't let anybody tell you anything different, you understand me?" I nodded and hugged him "Brent?" "yeah" "I love you" I said to him "I love you too Ashley"

It's finally time to go home. brent and I sat in the bus and headed home.

When we got to the house I walked into the living room and did a belly flop onto the couch.

"Hey babygirl, I need to tell you something" Brent came and sat next to me "yeah?" I asked a bit worried " tomorrow I'm going away for macon, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I smiled when he asked me "yes I would love to come" I said

I gave Brent a hug "we should go pack" I said "yeah" Brent said "race you up stares!" I shouted and pushed Brent down and started to run.

I heard Brent's laugh and I heard him running up from behind me. I got to our room and saw Brent coming towards me.

I knew what he was gonna do "BRENT NO NO NO!" it was to late I was being tickled "B-Brent st-stop" I told him while laughing "nope not until you say Brent wins and I lose" he says "o-okay ff-fine, Br-Brent w-wins an-and I ll-lose" I said and he finally stopped "you gonna pay" I said to him and he chuckled "come on let's pack up" Brent says.

After we were both finished it was time for dinner.

"Mmm thanks mom for the yummy dinner" I said "oh no problem love" she said Brent and I sat on the couch and watched a movie well actually Brent was laying on the couch I was sitting on top of him.

I was rubbing Brent's tummy, I turned my head for a second and I saw Brent falling asleep and then he passed out on the couch I just sat there and watched him.

When the movie was over I waked up Brent and helped him up the stares since he was still half asleep.

We both got underneath the covers and Brent fell into a deep sleep and you can hear his soft snores.

I gave him a goodnights kiss on his lips and then I cuddled up next to him and then I fell asleep.


Hey guys for my next chapter who wants to be Carter's, camrons, Nash, Matt's girl friend?

Message me on kik and tell me who's girlfriend do you want to be.




By peeps ✌

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