Chapter 9

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"Robyn!" I feel around helplessly as I try to get a hold of the girl. The sound of foot falls leads me to the hall way and I hear another muffled scream. Man what do these guys want with her?
The fluorescent light flashes as it tries to come on and I can spot a black figure huddled over Robyn. I fumble around in the dark not knowing what to grab and the man in black gets farther with every flash of the unstable light. My palms are sweaty and I'm having a palpitation.

"Screw you End Corp assholes!" Ronda's voice breaks through my thoughts and my skin crawls at how hoarse it is. She sounds...strangled. "You'll never get away with... "
"Shut up you traitor!" the man holding her growls and a sickening thud echoes through my brain and Ronda's yelp sends a jolt of electricity through my veins.

I am frozen on the spot and my heart races getting louder with every beat as I look for options in the environment. Robyn's grunts are audible as she tries to pry herself out of the black man's grip and a loud smack hits my ear drums. These man are savages.

The man who has an unconscious Ronda slung over his shoulder doesn't see me coming.
A vase will do well to crush his skull.
I watch him closely as he crouches to pick something off the floor. I don't quite see it but his grunts tell me it's a little heavy.
Now's my chance!

With a gush of adrenaline rushing through my veins I plunge forward aiming for his head with the vase. The lights come on and I see what he's holding.


He whirls around and slams the fire extinguisher into my head as Robyn wails in terror.


♣Robyn's POV️♣️

I scream as the heavy item crashes into Brandon's head and grimace as he drops to the ground. The men bound down the hallway toward the flight of stairs not saying a word.

"LET ME GO!" I scream as I pummel my fists into the man's stomach, he sighs and easily lifts me onto his shoulder.
I knew it was a lost cause but it was worth trying.

"Ukambe! " a hushed voice is audible behind me and my head darts up. "the lady is still awake! "
I take in a sharp breath as realisation huts me.
"Oi, than put her to sleep will you!"
Is all I hear before it all goes black.


I open my eyes in a grassy field and lie still on the ground breathing in the fresh spring air. What is this place? Tall grass surround me and I can spot a few trees in the distance the scenery is amazing and I raise my hand to shield my eyes from the bright morning sun. Blue flowers dot my periphery and the inviting scent of blue orchids fill my nose. Turning my head to have a better look at the amazing works of nature their scent gets stronger. I tilt my head to a angle and tears fill my eyes.

They are so beautiful.

The inviting scent gets stronger drawing me to it and I take a tentative step to it.
Wait, I didn't move my legs!
I take another step to it and another whiff of the scent hits me again before I take another step to the amusing flowers.
Tears fall freely from my cheek and I wonder why asy feet pick themselves up faster.
Faster towards the flowers.
I sprint making my way to the beautiful things as...


The ground beneath me flies open and I hurtle down a shaft in full speed.


The ground closes back subtracting what little light it offered before.

My heart beats a thousand times per second as a million cross my mind all without answer. What am I doing here?
Why was I running to those flowers, and more so why was I crying.
Of course I'm crying now but I have a legit reason for that.

I'm stuck in a frigging shaft and don't know how to come out.

"This is some sort of crazy dream, this must be a dream." I try to convince my self.
I try the old cliché and pinch myself shutting my eyes tight.
I finally lety eyes come open...nothing I'm still stuck in a shaft thirty feet beneath a damn dirt ground.
Why is my life like this?

A feint reddish light appears out if the corner of my eye and I stiffen.
Oh no!
If I'm going to have even a 1/100 chance of survival there's only one thing to do...

"Please don't hurt me, I'm only a girl, I'm harmless." I scream at the top of my lungs curling into a ball at the corner of the stone walls shutting my eyes as tight as possible.

The foot falls halt and a crisp voice breaks the silence.

"Jeremy, I think we have someone new today." It's a female voice and it's hard to decipher the emotion behind the it.

"Ya think?" The male, probably Jeremy retorts sarcastically walking fast towards my corner.


I hug my shins tightly and bury my head between my thighs and hope they don't see me.
The footsteps grow closer and it gets slightly hotter around me.

I slowly lift my head out of my thighs and come face to face with fire.

A horned horrifying face lies beside the torch and I pass out.

A/N: Hey hey, I know, this isnt much if a chapter but hey! I've got exams coming up and nobody's gonna help me write 'em right. Lol. If you liked the chapter anyways (which I don't) vote, comment and follow my twitter and my instagram.
Insta: joseph_._

Thanks for reading and...
I'll be waiting...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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