Chapter 6

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Robyn's POV

"Oh don't start that please Brandon! Why? Why did you do it? We don't even know each other, we haven't even been introduced properly and you're already mean to me." I rant, my eyes watering. Brandon let's out his breath and takes a step closer to me.
I back away. It starts to drizzle. Great.

His weight takes the bench a few inches lower as he sits down next to me. I try not to look at him, I don't wanna lose my flame.

"You saw the video right?"
"Why did you make it? "
"Why do you think I made it? "
"So you made it. "
"Can't you sense sarcasm if it hit you in the face?" water trickles down his face. I shiver. He takes off his jacket.
"Ohh... I don't believe you."I insist.
He sighs and squares his shoulders.
His dark blue eyes turn deeper
"If I made the video would I come all the way looking for you?"
He came looking for me? Oh.
He moves in on me leaving only a few inches between us and his scent hits me - no surprise that my butterflies fill my stomach. He wraps his jacket around me and pulls the hood over my head. The rain makes his white T-shirt stick to his perfect body and I catch my self staring. He must notice cause he clears his throat.

"I..." I mutter shuffling my feet nervously.
"would I stress just to know your name or have a whiff of your perfume once again? "
With those words and the rain pouring heavily now my body gives way and all the frustration I'd held in start pouring out... in tears.

Great, now I look like a low life and a crybaby. Just great.
And did Brandon just say he loved my perfume?
"It's Gaga, by Gucci." I say between sobs.
His mouth spreads to the best thing I've seen today; his smile.

He puts a hand around me and I instinctively lay my head on his shoulder. My tears soaking up his shirt. A part of me wants to believe that he is innocent and has nothing to do with the video, but my subconscious keeps saying: RUN!
But I'm okay with this in between because I don't really know him but for a six foot tall auburn haired band boy his ego is nonexistent.

"Where are you headed? "
He asks after a few minutes of silence. I don't want to leave him.
"Oh, um.. It's Oriental Palace Hotel." I am still a little nervous around him though.

"Exotic, " he compliments and I roll my eyes.
"I stay at Federal bay Lodge just thirty minutes away maybe I can drop you off?"
It sounds more like a question than a suggestion.

"Yes!'know if you want to. "
I say and look down at his timberland boots in comparison to my adidas sneakers.
Frickin' pauper that is me. No car.

I flash Brandon a smile as he opens the car door for me and I step in. The car smells nice, like a mix of men's perfume and... Tangerines?
He turns the heater on and I take his jacket off.
"You can keep it, didn't really like it that much anyway." He says with a neutral expression on his face. I desperately don't want this drive to end. Soft music plays from the radio and he turns up the volume.
Love on the brain by Rhianna.

"So.., " Brandon finally breaks the silence and the red on my cheeks deepen.
Keep it together Robyn, he's just a human.
Yeah, one you've been fantasizing about since 8th grade. My subconscious adds.
"umm, I never got your name."
"Robyn... Robyn Dallas."
"Sorry is Jay Dallas your dad?"
He asks with wide eyes. Like that's special.
I roll my eyes.
"Trust me you don't want to be me. "
"Nahh, it surely can't be that bad. Besides I always recorded your dads shows back when I was a kid, I loved them."
I huff.
"He's unbelievable. He's the prime cause of all my problems today. Can you imagine he cut down my wardrobe allowance by 90%?"
I ask incredulously. "Oh he's gonna get it when I get home safe. "

Brandon shakes his head. "You can nag him out when you get home. That or you can gently ask him why he did what he did. Try to give him the benefit of a doubt. That's what I'd do anyway." he says quietly, almost in a mutter.
I don't say anything.
I'm letting it sink in and I'll definitely try that approach. After all I'm too exhausted to start a fight with Jermaine tonight.
The silence drags until Brandon asks;
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"
In your arms!
"In World Of Dance. See I'm a dancer but I'm only Fibi-famous, no professional recognition."

"Funny, the band might be needing a dancer just like you for a video shoot later in the month. Maybe you can start your professional career from there. "
"Oh my Notch, really? I can't believe it omn, omn, wait is there a chance..never mind I'm so happy..."
I gush overwhelmed at the thought and Brandon smiles. His smile spreads goosebumps across my skin and I blush a little.

"Besides I think Robyn is a beautiful name. Batman and his side-kick only this time it's a she." He chuckles looking at me.
His failed attempt at humor makes me crack up for reasons un-understood and his face turns a bright red, his dimple evident on his face.
For some reason I feel brave enough to ask
"So tell me about you Brandon."
Really, the old 'tell me about yourself' move?
"Oh there's nothing special to me. As you know I'm a vocalist and guitarist in a band. I'm 19 and from Torondo Canaba. I live on my own and I don't really like loud rowdy parties... also I'm allergic to butter and algebra." he says with feigned worry on his face.
"Aren't we all? " I laugh.
"That's perfectly normal, don't be worried."
I joke and put my hand on his thigh.
Sparks! I pull my hand away as fast as I can and hope he doesn't notice.

"Yeah." he continues without a change of tone and I take it that I'm still in a safe zone.
"I also think nice being nice is normal. I like nice guys. And you're nice. " I compliment.
"Well I think normal is boring," he says and hits the brakes.

"Get the hell out of my car."

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