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***Brienne's P.O.V***

It wasn't even midnight and I was already buzzed. Rachel, my best friend, was passing me shots left and right. I knew I shouldn't be drinking, considering I'm under age and my parents are home waiting for me to be there at 1 a.m. But this week had a been a stressful one. Finals were brutal, and being a senior in high school, I had to ace those.

But I mostly had to forget about the threat I had received today. Reading it, shook me down to my core. I had been looking over my shoulder all day, but now, I was going to just dance the night away.

*Earlier that day*

Today was the last day of finals, and I was excited. I studied good and hard for hours upon hours all week. Mostly in my worst subject: history.

I still didn't understand why we needed to learn about our history. Were they all dead anyway right? Yeah, yeah, we need to know more about our government, but can't they just have a government class specifically for that instead of learning everything about our history?

My thoughts were interrupted as a piece of paper fell out of my locker and onto the floor. I picked it up and opened it to find red sharpie painting the ripped paper. the letters were sharp but messy and easy to read.

Watch your back, honey. I'm coming back for you...

"Hey girly, whatcha got there?" Rachel's voice made me jump and I quickly stuffed the piece of paper in the pocket of my ripped jeans.

"Nothing. How did yesterday go?"

"I'm assuming terrible. I turned in my final and the teacher's eyebrows disappeared in his hairline." We both chuckled as I closed my locker.

"Maybe that's a good sign. Maybe he was surprised about how well you did?"

"If that's the case, then I'll be expecting him to question me about if I cheated or not."

I laughed as Rachel sent a playful glare my way. "Well, I have to get to history before I'm late and have to take the test in the detention room. It always smells like feet in there."

"I heard that Ms. Evans takes off her shoes in there all the time. That could be it. She is always chasing after kids in the halls."

Not a second later, Ms. Evans, the detention teacher, stopped in front of us and crossed her arms. "Ms. Black, you missed detention yesterday."

"Ah, yes, well, you see, there was a family situation that I needed to attend to before someone died."

"Nice try, but I talked to your mother today and everything was fine. I expect you to be there after school. Or your days of detention will increase. Good day, Ms. Black, Ms. Michaels."

"See you, Ms. Evans," I said.

"Oh, and I'll try to keep my shoes on during class today, wouldn't want the room to stink now would we?"

"Sure wouldn't Ms. Evans." Rachel said back to her, which earned her a warning glare. "Are you going to Erick's party tonight?" Rachel asked me.

"Yeah, I already asked my parents."

"Why do you ask your parents? Why not just sneak out?"

"Because I would like to live to see another day."

"Oh whatever, your parents are too nice. The most you would get is a slap on the wrist and then some pie. your mom makes wonderful pie by the way. Think you could ask her to make me some?"

I laughed. "Sure, but I have to get to history. I want to look over my notes before we start."

"Alright, nerd. I'll pick you up at ten!"

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