Bad at Love

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I needed more fluff in my life so I tried. xD I mean, it's fluff but like... eh ;p

Please read/enjoy/vote/comment/follow/etc cuz I'm a tired person and really appreciate it! :)))

School's almost over for me so hopefully more writing time??? 

Dedicated to Batcheler03 just cuz he's been bugging me to write fluff for forever (because I'm such a bucket of angst), and I finally (kinda) did. haha. happy, Batch? ;p

edit: I'm rewriting the ending so bear with me. I hate the ending. too. cheese. ew.




The rain pounds endlessly atop her roof, yet she can't seem to allow herself to be lulled to sleep by its rhythmic pattering. She stares at the ceiling vacantly as her heart beats rapidly. She tosses and turns for some time, but sleep stubbornly decides not to come to her.

Restlessly, she finally decides that her attempts to fall asleep are futile and begins to prowl around her small apartment, feeling trapped within her own home. Going to her kitchen, she removes a ceramic bowl from a cupboard and pours herself some cereal and milk. Grabbing a metal spoon from a drawer, she begins to eat her late night snack, listening to the rain. Her phone buzzes from a new text, and she can't help but check it.

Link: Zel, I can't sleep.

She bites her lip nervously before typing out a response:

Zel: Me neither.

Bringing another bite of cereal to her mouth, she sees her phone light up with his almost immediate response:

Link: I hate the rain.

A loud clap of thunder makes her jump slightly, and she's quick to reply:

Zel: I'm scared of thunder.

Taking her bowl of cereal, she goes to her couch, slipping under a blanket and turning on her TV while waiting for a reply. Tears begin to streak down her face as she scrolls through some of her other texts, completely disregarding whatever movie's playing in the background.

Link: I'm scared of a lot of things.

Zel: Like what...?

What could he be afraid of? He's the bravest person she's ever met. He's always been himself while she's always felt the need to be someone else.

Link: ... Knocking on your door...

Startled slightly, she hears someone knock on her door. Placing her bowl on the coffee table, she gets up to answer it. He's there, looking like a little boy - hopeful but obviously nervous. His expression immediately shifts to a look of concern as he takes into account her tears. "Are you alright, Zel?" He steps forward slightly so that he's no longer just in her doorway.

She's able to choke out one word as he steps inside completely. "No."

He doesn't say anything more but just opens his arms wide. She falls forward into his arms, and he helps her get to the couch after making sure the door's been securely locked. "Did he break up with you...?" his question trails off as he just holds her while they sit together.

"Yes," she says through her tears. "He broke up with me - through a text. A text with just two words - 'We're though' - After all his fake kindness and romantic gestures. I can't believe it. Another guy. Another breakup. I end up hurt. Again."

He rubs circles into her back soothingly before smoothing her hair, "Zel..." he tries to speak, but his voice breaks.

She cuts him off - "I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Link! I'm so hopelessly bad at love! I can't do anything right, and I'm going to be a spinster or something! I can snare a boy just fine, but I can't make him stay..."

"You can make a boy stay just fine," Link retorts, his brows furrowing. "You're just blind."

Her tears soak through his shirt, and she doesn't register what he just said. "I've had so many boyfriends, but none of them ever loved me! I hate guys! They're absolutely terrible and just try to use me!"

Every word she says is like a dagger to his heart, but he just places a finger under her chin to lift her face, forcing her to look at him, "Zelda. You're a beautiful, free spirited woman. And you need someone who can appreciate that. Zel, I've been here. I've been waiting for you. Zelda - Why can't you just see how much I adore you? How much I care about you?"

He doesn't stop there, instead continuing, "You're the apple of my eye, and seeing you hurt over and over again completely breaks my heart. I've loved you for so long, and every time I'd see you with all those different guys, my hope would fade a little bit more every time. Zelda, I love you. Why can't you see that? You're not bad at love. You're just bad at finding it."

His words completely stop her, and her breath hitches at the back of her throat. "... Link?" she asks slowly, as though testing it out. Her heart fills with warmth, yet she tries to force it all down. She doesn't want to be hurt again. She just wants to be numb.

"I'm right here, Zelda," he replies. "I always have been. Through every breakup. Through every heartache. I've always been there... Haven't I?"

Wordlessly, she nods her head as he wipes away her tears.

Sighing, he rests her head on his chest so she can hear the beating of his heart, "Zelda, I love you so, so much. You don't understand how long  I've waited for you to realize this. It's been painful for me too. Don't think you're the only one to ever experience hurt. I've been hurt too."

The storm rages all around them outside, but they're comforted by being together. So she whispers softly, "I love you, too, Link..." She's quiet, but he can still hear her - even amidst the thunder crashing outside. Hearing her say those words is what he's always dreamed of.

After all these years, she's finally his.

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