Truth or DARE!!!

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Set in phase 4
In the living room of Kong Studios, shows the band sitting in a circle with an empty bottle spinning in the middle landing on Russel.

"Ok, Russel. Truth or dare?" Noodle asks the large man.

"Truth." Russel answered.

"Oh Christ, Russ! Too much of a wuss to do a single dare?" Murdoc laughed evilly, earning a death glare from the drummer.

"Ignore him. Anyways, did you actually enjoy wearing a dress?" Noodle asks.

"Yeah. Gotta admit, that I kinda look good in dresses." Russel admitted with no shame. I mean you remember from the "G-Bitez: Fancy Dress" when he has an appreciation for clothes.

"Alright, your turn." She told Russel as he began to spin the bottle, landing on 2D.

"A'ight, 'D. Truth or dare?" He asks.

"Truth." He answers.

"Is it true that you masturbate in your bed?" Russel asked him that question making the bluenette male face flushed.

"Wot makes you fink that?" 2D wondered.

"That stain on your bed says otherwise." Russel points out making himself and Murdoc burst out laughing, while Noodle is giggling with her hand covering her mouth.

"Just give me the damn bottle!" 2D humiliatingly said as he began to spin the bottle and ends up landing on Murdoc.

"Truth or dare." 2D asks. The satanist male rolled his eyes.

"Oh please. Do I look like a pansy? Dare of course! 'Cuz nothing can bring down the leader of this band!" Murdoc said with bold.

"If you say so. Then I dare you to watch 'Pinocchio' for 6 hours while strapped to a chair." 2D suggested with a smirk, making the satanist man pop his eyes open.

"Oh, fuck!" Murdoc cursed.

*6 hours later*

Murdoc comes out of a room with a terrified look that no one has ever seen before.

"Well. How was it?" 2D looked in amusement with his hands folded beneath his chin.

"Someone please take this fucking nightmare far from this place!" Murdoc said frighteningly as Russel takes and chucks it out of the area.

After 2D giving the satanist man thermal sounds to call him down and got him out of his frightening state, he's back to his old self again. Then he spins bottle which lands on Noodle.

"Truth or dare, love?" Murdoc asks her.

"Dare." She answers. Murdoc places his green lanky finger under his chin to think. That's when an idea popped into his mind, and he smirks evilly.

"Noodle, I dare you to give a snog on dullard here!" Murdoc told the young Asian woman.

"WHAT?!" Both Noodle and 2D said at the same time with their face blushing red as a tomato.

'This is going to be good!' Murdoc evilly thoughts.

"Uh, Noods. It's ok if you don't wanna do this." 2D told her.

"Yeah. Then she just backed out like a chicken!" Murdoc burst out laughing.

"Just ignore him, love. I don't wanna make this awk- mmph!" 2D was cut off when Noodle pressed her lips against his. Leaving the drummer milky white eyes wide and mouth hanging open, while the satanic bastard to take some pics with his iPhone.

"Oh, sweet Satan! This is so going on the internet!" Murdoc still laughing his arse off.

Finally, Noodle let goes of the bluenette male as he falls backward with a blush spreading his face and his eyes turning white.

"Satisfied? And if you think of posting that online, I'll slice your fucking dick off!" Noodle threatened calmly.

"Message received, love." Murdoc replied with no fear as he deleted some pics of them snogging. Until he goes up to the dazed out bluenette and takes a picture of his face.

"But this, I'm definitely posting!" Murdoc evilly laughed as he walks out of the living room.

Noodle and Russel look over 2D.

"Is he going to be a'ight?" Russel asks with concern.

"He'll be fine. Take him back to his room, he needs rest." Noodle told him as the drummer nodded.

Then carries the lanky singer over his back like a sack of potatoes. Noodle looks back at her still unconscious tall friend and sighs.

"Mazushī chīsana aoi baka (Poor little blue goof)." Noodle giggles.

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