A passing echo

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I woke up in a panic. I was breathing hard and my heart was beating fast. I just had a nightmare of my past but at least it was out of the way. I looked at the clock and it said 12:30 AM. " There is no way I can go back to sleep." I walked out of the room and went down the stairs, I was going to head outside but I was stopped.

" Where are you going at this hour?" I looked over at the couch and there was Gaster giving me a blank look. " I am heading out." " where to and why?" I gave him a blank stare but answered anyway.

" Nowhere in particular, just out for a walk. I had a passing echo and now I can't sleep."

"A passing echo?" He gave me a confused look then it hit me. " I I had a nightmare but I like to call them passing echo's it was a dream of my past that is all." "So you had a bad dream of your past? What happened in it?"

"I would rather not talk about it." That's when I opened the door and headed outside into the snow covered town. It was currently still snowing but when I left, Gaster decided to come along.

"What are you doing?" "I am coming with you. I can't have you freeze out here now can I? Sans and Papyrus would not be happy with me."

"Ok then you can come." As I said that I rolled my eyes and we headed off into the snowy town.

We ended up at the bridge where I met Sans and Pap. We sat at the edge of the bridge. We sat there in silence looking at the frozen stream in silence until Gaster broke it.

" It's like time stopped here, how the water is frozen like this." I looked at him and he looked relaxed, it was kinda nice to see him like this.

" Ya it does." We kept staring at the frozen water in peaceful silence for a while. " So... why did you come down here in the first place?"

Gaster pov

When I said that I looked at her and she flinched at the question. Her peaceful face turned to one of sadness. I started to regret my questions.

" Echo you don't have to answer if you don't..." I was cut off.

"In the town I come from they judge you by eye color... If you had blue eyes you were sent by God himself to do something important, if you head green eyes you were sent to help the ones with blue eyes, and then there is the people with brown eyes they are the messengers between heaven and earth, if you had those colors then you were praised. But if you had red eyes you were considered Satans child sent to destroy the world, well at least try, then there is the rare eyes that are not the same. There are too many colors to mix but if you had a silver eye then you were deemed the helper of the red eyes, they both would be treated as demons."

" My mom died when giving me life, the hospital took care of me until I was old enough to go to the orphanage and be adopted. I was excited to meet new people and make new friends but that didn't happen. When I got there, the first day was ok, everyone was nice and I made many friends then on the second day a kid asked me " Echo why do you cover your right eye with your hair?"

"I saw no reason not to tell him so I showed them... they all gasped, they called the caretakers over to see. I was confused I did nothing wrong. One caretaker called someone over and took the rest of the children outside except for me, I was to stay. When the person they called came over he asked where IT was. The caretakers pointed to me and he came over, his eyes were brown, he was tall, really tall. When he got to me he knelt down and asked " Little one, can I see your eyes please?" I said yes so when he lifted my hair up he was shocked, scared, mad, then DISGUST. Then he told everyone that I was a demon and that they should stay away from me."

"At first I was confused then over time I learned the story of the eyes. A few years had passed and I heard a child with red eyes was being sent to the orphanage. I was excited to not be alone but then I felt sad for them, they would be treated the same as me or maybe worse. After they arrived I heard that they were hitting the caretakers and picking on the children and after a month they ran away to Mt. Ebott where the rumored monsters are trapped. If you go, you don't come back and when they didn't come back after a month I thought they found a new town with a new family so I went to get away and then I ended up here."

I stared at Echo, I was not expecting to hear that from her. She looked like she was going to cry.

" Sorry I didn't mean to go on a tangent." " I am sorry." " Why? Why are you sorry it was just an echo and it past." " What do you call nightmares? Passing echos?"

"I call them that because it is my past coming back like an echo." I was a bit surprised by that answer. Well I decided that I can tell her some of my past."

"When I was young, a day before we monster's were sealed away, my family and some of my friends were killed. I was hiding and when the humans left, I held my mom until she turned to dust."

I looked away from the frozen stream and looked over to Echo, she had this sad but understanding look. I wonder if she has lost someone?

Before I had the chance to ask she spoke.

" I think I was 3 or 4 when my parents passed away. I was a bit to young to even remember them but it still made me sad and happy when I found out that they didn't just abandon me. It gave me hope you know?"

It was kinda nice to know I was not alone and there are others like us but it was sad.

We sat there a little more until the silence was broken once again.

"Gaster I think we got off the wrong foot. How about we start over."

"Ya that sounds good. Hi my name is W.D Gaster what is your name?"

" haha hi Gaster my name is Echo it is nice to meet you."

We sat there talking and getting to know each other. After a while we went back to silence. I felt something lean against me, I look over and Echo fell asleep.

"Well I guess it is time to head home." I picked her up and carried her home. When we got to the house I set her on the bed and I went back downstairs, laid on the couch and fell asleep.  


picture made by me
A quote from the editor @RachelPerry341 : Cinnabuns are delicious ^-^
Go check out her book.  Lost in Time

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