Falling but caught

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Gaster pov

Echo was on the floor passed out. She was breathing pretty hard and her face was red. I went over and felt her forehead and she was burning. This has happened with Chara, they got sick. I don't know how to make it go away.

But Her majesty, she can help. " Sans watch Papyrus, I need to take Echo to the castle." "What's wrong with her? Will she be ok?" Sans asked.

"She is fine but she needs to be seen so she won't get worse."

Sans understood. I picked up Echo and headed off to Newhome.

I had to go to my lab in Hotland and grabbed some stuff that might be useful. After that I made it to Newhome and walked down the judgement hall, it was a golden hallway with light coming through the windows.

Past that I made it to the king's garden. It has two thrones one for King Azgor and Queen Toreil and golden buttercups littered the floor.

I eventually made it to there house and knocked on the door. I waited for someone to answer, Echo was breathing hard, her face still red and burning.

The door finally opened and lady Toreil was standing there.

"Oh, Gaster how can..." She trailed off and looked at Echo, her face turned into one of worry. "Oh my, quick come in come in." She ushers us in and leads us down one of the hall ways. We passed Chara and Asriel, they both looked confused but Chara's face soon turned into one of hate? Wonder why.

We soon made it to a guest room. Toreil took Echo from me and placed her on the bed and told me to get out so she can focus.

While I sat in the hall way Chara and Asriel came up to me.

"Is she ok? Did she catch a cold?" Asked Asriel.

Asriel was a goat monster like his mom and dad but without the horns. His eyes were Green like his dad's, he wore a green and yellow striped shirt and black blue pants.

"Yes Asriel she is ok, she is just sick." When I see that he looked relieved to know that the new human was not going to die.

" Is she nice? Did she hurt or kill someone yet?" "Chara.. That's rude to say." I looked at the first human that has fallen here. Chara had red eyes and had on a green shirt with one yellow stripe in the middle. I can understand their concern about that.

" No she has not killed anyone but others have tried to kill her. She fought back but did not to kill." Chara took a deep breath at that. " What's her name?" We looked at each other for a few seconds. " Her name is Echo."

After a few minutes Toriel came out of the room. She looked relieved.

" Well? Is she ok?" She smiled at me " Yes Gaster she is ok she just has a cold and will be staying here untill it goes away." I was so relieved that she would be ok. " So tell me Gaster how long has she been here?"

Toriel looked at me with curiosity. We sat there for a minute. " A few weeks now maybe longer, I forgot." " pfft you... forgot? Wow, never heard that one ,the royal scientist forgot something, you heard it here first." at that point she was standing and making big gestures. "..." i stared at her a bit annoyed but that soon turned into laughter.

We sat there talking about our week and how I met Echo and what we had done. "Wow Gaster, you know you guys sound like a family. I am not saying it's a bad thing I think is good. Sans and Papyrus need a mother figure in their life to help them and you out. " I looked at here in disbelief, well now that I look back we kind of sound like one and she is right. The boys do need a mother figure in their life.

After more talking she told me I should go home and tell the boys that Echo will be ok and make sure they don't burn down the house but they will never do that... maybe.


picture belongs to: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjFv_nMx57VAhVT0GMKHZEoAYwQjhwIBQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Flagartixasantos%2Fdreemurr-family-3%2F&psig=AFQjCNECBcTIcV3pdQQb5mky6vmtWGY5Lg&ust=1500870266108277

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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