A helping present

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After that night, when I woke up, I smelt something... It smelled familiar but not. I got out of Gaster's bed and headed downstairs, when I got there I was greeted with Sans. His head was on the table and he was looking a bit grim, I wonder why? Gaster looks a bit sick as well "What is going on" I thought.

"Hey, what's wrong you two? Why so ... um sulky?" They looked at me, Sans just rotated his head and pointed to the kitchen. I went over and looked in and Papyrus was cooking. He was standing on a stool so he could reach but he looked happy. I looked at what he was cooking and it was spaghetti.

I was thinking once again 'Ok that's not normal but it might be here?' Then my face turned into one of disgust. He put a full pepper in and not just any pepper, Oh no a ghost pepper. Of all things it had to be that! I wanted to vomit so I went back to Sans and Gaster and sat down.

They looked at me in understanding. We sat there in a gloomy aura, waiting for our fate to come and looking for a way out. After a minute or two an idea popped into my head. Sans and Gaster noticed and wanted to ask when Pap came in.

"Food is done and is SPICE TACULAR." he said that in his high pitched voice. Sans and I giggled at his pun. He looked confused for a few seconds before realising what he just said and became a bit annoyed.

I looked over and I think saw Gaster smile? I think.

Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster had a plate full. Sans and Gaster looked like they wanted to vomit but held back the urge. What a good family.

Pap looked at me curiously and asked " Umm Echo why are you not eating?"

He looked concerned and the other two looked curious. " Well ... did you put any vegetables in this Pap? Like peppers?" he stared off into space for a second then responded with.

"Well I think I did why?" " Well, you see Papyrus. I am allergic to them and can't eat them or I will get really sick. I am sorry Pap." He looked down and sad. Sans and Gaster looked dumbfounded 'Why have we not thought of this? They both thought of this at the same time, but sadly they are too late to use that excuse.

I was a bit worried about Papyrus but then he looked at me and beamed at me.

"Can you teach me how to cook the foods you can eat?" I was shocked to hear this for a few seconds then answered yes. He was so happy we headed to the kitchen to start his lessons. Sans and Gaster looked relieved to try something else other than... well ya.

It has been a few days now and I am fully healed but Gaster says it's ok for me to say with them. I think it is because my cooking but I won't question it. At least I have a place to stay. I sometimes go out to the town and help build some of the buildings and made new friends.

We sometimes had snowball fights it was so much fun. I liked hearing stories from some of the older monsters and some of history. One night Pap and Sans asked me what the surface was like.

I was a bit sad that they had no idea what it was like up there. I described the sky, the stars, the sun, and the colors of the sunset and how it changed. what rain was like, the grass, and the different type of flowers. What thunder and lightning was. they were fascinated when I told them about rainbows, and so much more.

That night I asked Gaster to bring back poster paper or really big paper and as many colors as possible. When he came back with the supplies, we set everything up and worked all night. Gaster told me that it was Papyrus birthday tomorrow so this was the perfect present for him.

That morning Sans came down first and that was a shock. He usually sleeps in but I guess today was special. "Uhh what are you still doing up?" he looked around and spotted the posters. " What is that?"

"Well Sans, Gaster told me that it was Papyrus birthday is today so I made him a present." He looked at the posters and looked back at me. " umm did you say up all night Echo? You look BONE tired. Like you can pass out any second now."

He looked concerned. It was true though but I am not going to tell him that. "No I am fine, I swear I am ok. I promise." I think he didn't by it but he did brush it off and came down.

A few minutes later Gaster came down and after that Pap came out of his room. When he got to the living room we all yelled happy birthday to him. He looked surprised then looked at the posters and was jumping up and down.

"Wowey thank you guys!!!" He sat on the floor and looked at the poster and asked questions about the drawing of the outside and all of its creatures.

Gaster pov

We sat there for a good hour. Echo went to the kitchen to go make something. When she stood up she wobbled for a second that made me a bit uneasy but I shrugged it off. A few seconds later we heard a crash and a thud. We all stood up so fast and ran into the kitchen. There on the floor was Echo passed out.

" Echo!"  

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