The beginning of it all

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You bump into Jake, Ademir, and Manfs at walmart. You're wearing a Manfs sweatshirt, jeans, and checkered vans, you go up to them and ask for a picture and autographs. As you leave the store to go home after a 5 minute conversation with them, you notice by Jake's signature it says "you are the prettiest girl in the world, here's my number... send cheeks" You get so excited and text him right away.
Y/n: is this Jake?
Jake: Yea, are you y/n from walmart 😂
Y/n: did you mean what you wrote me😬
Jake: Hell yea, you're hot asf💕
Y/n: thank you so much ahh ilysmmm‼️
So you and Jake have been talking for 2 weeks now and and since you live 15-20 minutes away from him he asks to pick you up to hang out. You both are really starting to like each other. You give him your address and he brings you, Ademir, and Manfs to the Nutley Diner at because they are filming a 3am challenge near that area so you four get food and go to where you need to go after. It's almost 7:00 am by the time you all get home, you stay at his house for the night, just you two alone. You fall asleep in his arms and he whispers in your ear as you're sleeping "I love you, y/n." The both of you wake up around 2:00 pm and Jake springs up and shouts "I HAVE TO START EDITING."
Manfs to Jake: Y/n is really hot.
Jake: she's mine and only mine.
Manfs: if you say so, are ya dating yet?
Jake: no, not yet but I'm going to ask her out soon.
Ademir: what if I ask her out first *joking manner*
Jake: Yo, please stop guys you are my best friends and I don't wanna ruin our friendship over a girl. I'm not willing to loose you guys.
Another month goes by and you get Mikey and Ademir's numbers and start to text them as friends, Jake thinks otherwise and gets jealous.
Jake: I told you specifically to stay away from her she's mine.
Ademir: We're just talking as friends please calm ur balls.
Jake yells for you and asks to explain and show the texts you have.He apologized after that.
Two more months go by and you're in every video since you have met, the locals and duffies are shipping you and Jake together now, in a video he asks you out and obviously you say yes, the title of his video is 'I got a girlfriend?!'
The month after that you move into his house with him and his mom (his mom loves you and is perfectly fine with that). His birthday is in 2 days so you Manfs and Ademir go to the garden state plaza to buy his gifts but you find nothing so you ask them to drive you to a Lamborghini dealership. You are there for 5 hours but you make a deal and buy the car, on his birthday you pick it up from the dealership and bring it to his house. You planned a surprise party and then after that you brought out the car and he loved it. The license plate spells 'DUFNER' he really loves what you have done.
Jake: Why did you do all this? You didn't have to.
Y/n: I know I didn't have to but you deserve it, you mean so much to me. Oh I also got you a blanket with our pictures on it
Jake: this is another reason I love you
It's been one year since you guys started dating and it's your anniversary so Jake goss out and buys you the motorcycle you have always wanted. When he tells you what he got you, you start to cry because the 2 things you have always wanted are in front of you, Jake Nicholas Dufner and the motorcycle you have always dreamed of getting. Jake tells you to get ready because he's taking you on a date somewhere but he doesn't tell you, every time you ask he always replies "just get ready goddamit" in a jokingly matter. You are getting ready in his room so he walks in, he's wearing a black somewhat nice shirt, jeans and checkered vans, meanwhile you are wearing a red lace shirt, little bit of makeup, black jeans, and black vans. The place you are going is a hibachi place in New York called 'mt. Fugi' it's a few hours away but he doesn't mind spending it with you. You both leave his house get into his car and drive off. You get there, eat, and pay he takes out his camera to vlog a little bit since he is a  vlogger. You reach his house by 1:00 am and you both are tired but he decides to hit the shower, Manfs and Ademir are at his house so while he's in the shower you all just sit and talk about some pointless shit, then all of the sudden you hear a loud ass band and Jake yell. The three of you get up as fast as lightning and Manfs opens the bathroom door to see blood everywhere, he 'slipped.'                     Manfs: HOLY SHIT DUDE!
Ademir: FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Get help.
You faint and hit your head on the sink because there is too much blood and then Jake springs up and yells "ITS A PRANK HOLY FUCK" Ademir grabs his phone and dials 911 and you get up and scream "IM FINE CALM UR BALLS"
Y/n: I knew Jake was pranking us bc I saw him wink at the camera so I decided to prank him back.
Manfs: you little bitches decided to leave us in the middle of this and not even tell us what's going on.
Y/n: hell yea, what's the point of a prank if no one is gonna get scared
The four of you start laughing and get ready because the four of you are going to a haunted hospital in belleville northern jersey, it's about two hour away so you offer to drive. Everything went fine until...

The start of it all(Jake dufner and you fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now