Chapter Two

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Lily's POV

I get up in the morning with I pounding headache. I groan and get out of bed. I go into my bathroom. I stare at my pale freckled skin before my eyes make their way over to the huge bruise on my cheek. I cover it up with some make up after changing into my usual jeans, tee, and a hoodie. The hoodie is green, like my eyes.

After packing my school bag, I slip on some converse and run out to my mothers car. I have to get to school early so I can go to the library and print off a picture for One Direction to sign.

I get the picture and hurry off to my class in order to avoid and issues in the hallway.


I make it through the day and run to the car. I drive to the mall. I'm there at 4:30. The signing starts in an hour. I stand in the line that has already began to form. I pull my hood up. I don't want anyone to recognize me, even though I'm two towns away from home.

An hour later, the boys finally come out. They smile and wave as they walk over to the table. Then, the signing begins.

I eventually reach the front of the line. The first person is Harry. I hand him the picture to sign and continue with Louis, Zayn, and Liam. When I hand Niall the picture, he looks up at me. "Whats that?" he says looking at the bruise on my cheek. The make up must of come off. I reach up to my cheek and my sleeve slides down.My cuts are exposed.

He freezes and stares at it. I look away quickly. "I.....uh"

Niall's POV

I see the cuts on her arm. I know I shouldn't stare but I can't help it. She is so beautiful. How could she do this. "I.....uh" I hear her say. I begin to sign the photo.

As I am signing it I say quietly, go sit on that bench until the signing is over, I need to talk to you. I see her tense up but nod her head. I smile and she leaves to sit down.

Lily's POV

I can't believe that just happened. Someone knows, and it's one of the most famous people on earth. I sit on the bench. I shake my leg and think until the signing ends. Then he walks over, "follow me." he reaches for my wrist but pulls back, remembering. I look at his feet as we walk to some private room in the mall.

"Your arms?" I hold them out as he gently rolls up my sleeve. He runs his hands along the cuts then the words. He reads every single one. "you are coming back to the hotel with me and telling me everything." I let him roll down my sleeves and guide me to his rental car. We get in and stay quiet.

We reach the hotel and he puts on some sunglasses and pulls his hood up. " Put on your hood, get out, and run to the hotel entrance on the count of three." I nod my head. "1....2...3!" we run. Their are flashes but we manage to reach the elevator. We enter the room only to be greeted by the guys.

"OOOOOOOO, NIALL BROUGHT A GIRL!!!!" Louis yells. Zayn and Liam start to make kissy faces while Harry... is Harry angry?

"No guys it's not like that," Niall says, "She is just a friend." Zayn, Liam, and Louis pout and Niall brings me to his room.

Wait, I'm friends with Niall Horan, THE NIALL HORAN.

What a day.

"Now," he begins, "explain." so I do. I tell him about people at school, life at home, my dad beating me, my brother being gone, Abby. And he listens, to every word, no one ever listens to me. "Look at me." he pulls up the sleeve on my left arm, " you are none of these things, you are a beautiful, amazing person." he reaches out, " Give me your phone," I hand him my crappy IPhone 3 and he swaps our numbers. "call me every time something bad happens, and at home, if your Dad touches you one more time, pack your bags because I am coming to pick you up, got that?" I nod my head and he smiles, "we are gonna be best friends" he says, "I can feel it." I smile and he drives me to my Moms car in the parking lot.

I mutter a thank you before I get into the car and drive home.


"Where have you been?" my dads voice comes booming through the house. He comes up to me, I can smell the beer on his breath. "you should have come home sooner, slut!" he punches me in the stomach and I cry out in pain. He yanks my hair down, forcing me onto my knees. I cry out. "will you ever come home late again?" he yells.

"n-no sir." a tear slips down my cheek.

"Good, now go to the top of the stairs!" I know what's coming. He follows me to the top then pushes me down. I know to stay down until he leaves. When he does, I get up. My vision is blurry. I bring my stuff upstairs and text Niall about what happened,

To Niall

My dad beat me really bad Niall, I need help.

From Niall

That bastard, pack your things I'm coming over, btw, whats ur address?

I text him the address and begin packing. I pack everything in under and hour, I don't have much stuff. I see lights outside and slip on my converse. I pick up my things and leave my home. I bring everything out to the car and Niall helps me load it. We drive to the Hotel.

We get to the hotel, grab my things, and bring them to Niall's room. He leads me to the bathroom to clean me up. I am covered in dry blood, cuts and bruises. I wince as he cleans me and he smiles apologetically. He gives me clean cloths and leaves so I can change. He gave me one of my sweaters and a pair of my shorts. I put them on and walk out to see him patiently waiting for me. "You will sleep in here, I'm going to sleep on the couch." I am too tired to object so I lay down and pull the covers over me. He looks at me one last time before walking out.

That night I don't have the nightmares.

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