Chapter Seven

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Lily's POV

When I woke up, I went downstairs. I was smiling at the thought of last night. Niall came and found me.

"Lily, we need to tell you something." I looked around to see the other boys, "We are going to continue our tour!" Niall's smile widened, but mine disappeared. This can't be happening, they're just going to leave me.

Harry piped up, "And you get to come with!" The smile was back. I was so excited.

Liam said, "Everyone get packing, the bus leaves in the morning." I ran upstairs and started packing the few things I had.

When I saw the razor I froze. What if Niall goes through my things to get it. I quickly grab it and stuff it in my wallet.

I grab my stuff and bring it downstairs so it will be ready in the morning.

Harry looks over my stuff, "That's all you have?" I just nod. He shoots up out of his spot, "Lets go shopping!"

"No, no, no, I don't have much money and I'm not letting you pay."

He waltzes over to me and grabs my hands, "Please?"

I groan, "Fine, let me get ready." I turn so I can change out of the sweats and tank but he stops me.

"No, you look beautiful, lets go." he grabs my hand and drags me out the door.


He drags me through the mall, going shop to shop buying clothes, shoes, make up, and even an iPhone 6 with some cases. He is too sweet.

He holds my hand on the drive back to the hotel.

When we get their Niall gives me a hug. "You had me so worried, where were you."

I feel guilty as I look at him, "Sorry, I was shopping with Harry."

He hugs me again, "I'm glad that's all it was." I smile and start to pack what I got. "We had lunch while you guys were gone, I saved you some."

"I already ate." I mumble.

"Oh, okay then." he awkwardly walks away.

I turn on the TV and one of those gossip shows lights up the screen. I hear my name and immediately begin to pay attention. Some overly preppy, but pretty, blond women discusses how I have been around the boys lately. She then reads off tweets about me, and mentions the fans of the guys dislike towards me. I watch and the tears start to fall. Once the commercial break begins I turn the TV off and run to the bathroom, holding my razor.

Niall's POV

I don't believe she actually ate, so I'm going to ask Harry. I quickly walk to his spot on the couch.


"Yes Ni?"

"When you were out with Lily, did she eat anything?"

"Yeah," he starts, "but I'm not sure she kept it down.."

I stand up, "Wait, did you just say what I think you did?"

"Oh god, please don't tell her I told you." he pleads.

"Don't worry about it, but how much do you know?" I sit back down and stare at him as I wait for a response.

"Just that, what do you know?"

Should I really tell him, it's her secret, but then again it could be good for someone else to know. "Well... she usually just starves and she cuts herself..."

Now he is the one freaking out, "What!" He runs in the direction of the room she is packing in. I chase after him, but I'm not fast enough. He throws open the door and quickly turns back around.

"She's not in there."

"What?" I roughly push him out of the door way and look around. I shiver as realization washes over me. I run past Harry to the bathroom. I throw the door open to find Lily covered in blood on the floor, about to add another cut. "Lily..." I whisper. I can't move. I'm stuck staring at her as I stand in the doorway. Harry pushes past me.

"Give me the razors."

Lily's POV

I was confused when Harry said that, "Wh-what?"

Harry holds out his hand, "Give me the razors." I look to Niall and then back to him. I reluctantly hand them over.

He rips back his sleeve and begins to slash at his own arms.

"Stop! Stop! What are you doing!" I scramble to my feet and attempt to rip the blade out if his hand.

He stares at me with teary eyes, "I'm doing what you did to me, all those cuts on your arm hurt me too."

I look to Niall who still hasn't moved. I look back at Harry, "I-I'm so sorry." I mumble. He loosens his grip and walks out of the bathroom.


"Yeah?" he mumbles.

"What the hell just happened?"

"I really don't know."

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