Chapter Five

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I stare at the carnival amazed, I never go to these things.

"Roller coaster!" Louis screams next to me. Niall, Zayn, and Louis suddenly sprint towards the roller coaster. Liam sighs and takes off after them. Harry and I are the only ones left.

He looks down at me, "You want to ride the roller coaster with me." I smile back and nod my head yes.

We reach the front of the line and pair up, I am with Harry. We get on and a wave of worry washes over me.

"You okay."

I look at my hands, "I'm just nervous, thats all."

Harry chuckles, "I'll keep you safe." I smile at him.

Suddenly, the coaster jerks forward and I grab onto Harry's hand.

Eventually, the ride stops and we get off. I catch Niall starring at us and I soon realize that Harry and I are still holding hands. I reluctantly take my hand away and shove it into my pocket.

We spend a lot of time playing games and going to booths. I occasionally caught Harry starring at me, but that couldn't mean anything, could it?

Around one we stop for food. as soon as the boys all ordered they looked at me, signaling it was my turn.

"I'm not hungry." I whisper.

The look on Niall's face breaks my heart. I'm sure I could have a little food, I'll just puke it up after.

"On second thought, I'll have a hot dog."

The look on Niall's face as I am handed my food makes my day. We go over to a red table and sit down. Everyone is talking about so much, but I can't keep up, I'm too wrapped up in the food I'm eating. It makes me so mad at myself.

'You fucking fat whore, your going to look so much worse.'

I only get halfway through the hot dog before giving it to Niall and excusing myself.

I run to the bathroom once they can't see me anymore and I force the whole meal out of my stomach. Before I finish puking, I hear someone next to me. They pull back my hair until I finish.

When I'm done, I flush and turn around. Harry is their, and he looks so disappointed. "Why would you do this, Lily."

I look down, "It's nothing, okay."

"No, it's something, and we are not leaving until you tell me."

"I'm not good enough. Skinny is pretty, and I am far from skinny."

He frowns, "You are good enough and you are thin as hell, even if you weren't thin, you would still be beautiful."

"Harry," I start, "your lies are flattering, but still only lies. I am not skinny, I am not skinny until I am bones, and I will not stop until I am at least 90 pounds, 90 is my goal."

He bites the inside of his cheek and stands up, "Lets go."


We get back to the guys and we all decide on riding the Ferris wheel and then leaving.

Harry insist on riding with me and I agree.

Later on, the ride stops at the top and we can see everything.

Harry grabs my hand, "I have something to tell you."


"I have had a crush on you ever since Niall brought you home. I saw you and immediately thought about how beautiful you are, even though you don't believe me. I have been wanting to do this for a while, but I never got the chance, so, here I go. Lily, will you go on a date with me."

I swear I feel my heart glow and I smile ear to ear, "Absolutely Harry, I will go on a date with you."



Ahhhhhhh he finally asked her out and Harry knows about Lily making herself throw up. Even Niall doesn't know about that! But, Niall does know about her cutting unlike everyone else.

I am just so excited about this book and I hope you guys are too.

If you read to here, please say 'hi' at least, I want to know your there.


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