Its okay

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It's okay you got a bad grade.

It's okay you're not skinny and that you don't have bright eyes, and that you don't fit into size two jeans.

It's okay that guys don't whistle at you, (I mean, you aren't a dog, are you?) it's okay that your friends are leaving, because if they were such good friends they'd be sitting with you trying to not make you feel like shit.

It's okay your parents shout at you, their trying their best, and I don't think they remember how it feels to be a teenager anyway.

It's okay you feel as though you might of lost yourself, everyone does from time to time.

It's okay that you're still searching for that missing part of you, we all are.

It's okay to feel alone, but you must remind yourself that you're not.

You must remind yourself that you're beautiful, an individual, a replica of nobody else.

You're you and that's fucking amazing



this is my new 'book' which is just a bunch of quotes.☆

I sure think you're gorgeous.

P.S ilove you.


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