Chapter 6

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"You seriously called her?!" Suho asks me with his motherly eyes. He almost looks like D.O with his eyes so wide like that. Gosh, it's not like I hid in her closet or something, I just called her...

With my number blocked...

It's not that bad.. Right?

"Um.. Yeah.." Awkwardly, I avoid his stare and look at the clock on the wall behind him. 5:45 am. 15 minutes to practice. Staying up was a really bad idea and I'm barely awake.

"Pabo!" He yells at me and smacks the back of my head, my curled hair sticking up in random places. Immediately, with his kind hearted demeanor, he apologizes and kneels down so he's eye level with me as I sit in a chair. Forcefully he grabs my chin and lifts my head up to look him in the eyes and uses his thumbs to pull at the bags under my eyes.

"Hm.. Dark circles.. Luhan-ah, you need to get more sleep." He says, that motherly tone of his returning.

I can't help but smile at how he acts. "Alright alright, Suho-Hyung." Although I'm older than him, I call him Hyung because he acts more mature, and he is the leader of half of our group, exo-k. It's complicated, but we got stuck with Kris-Hyung as our leader.

Suho smiles at me again, and I swear I saw his teeth sparkle. How is he so charming.

It didn't take long for the news that I called Iris to spread throughout all eleven of the members. All I did was tell Kai about it and he told EVERYONE within ten minutes. Again, always blame Kai.

Glancing at the clock again, I see I have five minutes left, so I decide to go fix my hair in the bathroom.

For a while, I just look at myself, taking it all in. Am I someone that Iris would like?... I frown. My curled golden locks are unnatural and are awkwardly sitting atop my head. Using my hands, I settle my hair so it looks a little better. I'm also really skinny and all the other members say I look feminine. Especially my eyes. I get closer to the mirror and notice that sparkle in my dark almond shaped eyes.

Suddenly there's a large presence on my shoulder and I nearly jump out of my skin, letting out a high pitched yelp. I immediately dart around to see that..

It's just kris..

I hold my hand to my heart, feeling like i just had a heart attack.

"Kris-Hyung, you really surprised me..." I say, my heart pounding for some reason.

He gives me a weird look, one eyebrow raised. "Mianhe.. I thought you would have noticed me in the mirror behind you.." His deep voice is questioning, then he starts laughing at my terrified state.

Before I get a chance to argue with him, he turns around and begins to leave. "C'mon it's time for practice, flower boy."

FLOWER BOY? See, this is what I mean. Everyone thinks I'm so feminine. Girls don't like flower boys.. They like jocks.. People like Buff.

Reluctantly, I walk out of the bathroom and into the practice room with the other members. I take a deep breathe to calm myself down and I try to focus on practicing, but Iris is the only thing on my mind...


My hands rest on my knees as I gasp for air, my heart pumping even crazier than my scare from kris. The rest of exo is just as exhausted as me. SM is really working us lately. Well, hopefully we're getting better so we can debut soon. We still have a long way to go.

"Luhan-ah, you were a little off today..." Tao begins, taking huffs of air as he approaches me, handing me a water bottle. I nod a thanks and start drinking quickly.

"Is that girl on your mind?" He asks me, flicking some of his light hair out of his contrastive dark eyes. I can feel myself blushing hard already and I immediately look away. "Mianhe Tao-ssi... You're right.. I'm just a little distracted that's all..." I mutter then stand up and wipe my forehead with my arm, ready to set off towards school.

"Luhan-ah are you leaving already?" The tall brunette, Chanyeol asks me, walking up beside me. "Yeah, I want to get to school early and grab something from the cafeteria." I say, my stomach growling.

"Do you need money?" Suho asks me, his motherly senses tingling.

"No, Hyung, I-" I'm cut off by money being shoved in my face.

"Here. Take it. I don't want you to have to pay because I didn't bring breakfast for us this morning." He says and leaves without giving me a chance to object.

I sigh and laugh then head out the door with Chanyeol at my side. His big ears are poking out from under the furry hat he received for his birthday. He really loves hats.

I walk down the street, looking down at my black skinny jeans and converse, not really paying attention to my surroundings. Or to what chanyeols saying. I think he's talking about food. Or something. Every once in a while I grunt or nod to pretend I'm listening.

"Luhan-ah, look out!" I tune in a moment to hear Chanyeol yelling at me.

"Huh?" I finally snap out of my trance and realize I've turned a corner without looking where I was going, and now I've collided with someone.

From training so much, I have pretty good balance, but I suppose this person doesn't because I see them begin to go down backwards. On impulse, I lunge forward and grab their hand, putting my other hand on their back, saving them from hitting the concrete. I've been so distracted, I didn't even check to see who this was before grabbing them.

But I'm checking now.

The long chestnut hair. The adorable dark eyes. The dimple in her left cheek. It's Iris.

My hand is still locked in hers, and my arm is around her back. We look like were in an awkward tango position. I think I'm staring at her, but I can't help it. She has such clear porcelain skin, and from here I can see that she has a beauty mark under her right eye. After a moment of silence, I awkwardly cough and pull her up so she's standing, then let go of her, blushing madly as I look away.

Chanyeol's wide eyes are staring at me, and his mouth his gaped.

"I-um... Mianh-"

"It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I've been distracted. Sorry." She interrupts me, her voice as sweet as velvet.

"I have been too. I'm a little out of it." I laugh at myself, and she smiles, bringing out that dimple of hers, and that cute eye smile.

I bite my bottom lip and abruptly turn around to face Chanyeol. "We should he heading to school. See you around." I say and start walking so she can't see my red cheeks. Still in shock, Chanyeol follows after me.

"Did that just happen..." He whispers to me.

She doesn't even realize (An Exo Luhan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now