Chapter 6

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   Crap! This word went on replay through my head for what seemed like hours. I just jumped out a window to save a girl I didn't even know. That was stupid. That was so very stupid. I looked down to see her falling and a big crack in the floor where I presume she landed earlier.

   I straightened my body so I'd move faster. I fell. Faster and faster. Nearing my target. I grabbed her arm and pulled her in close. I tried to think.

   A familiar sound filled my ear until I looked to see where it came from. It was her. Not again. She was laughing. That beautiful laugh. But there was a tinge of cruelty.

   "You fucking idiot! Are you stupid or something?" She yelled over the wind, still laughing.

   I was beginning to get really angry at her. But she did have a point. She was indestructible. I, on the other hand, didn't have that luxury. I looked again at the crack in the ground, the ground we were rapidly approaching. I was going to die. Why? Because I wanted to be a hero. No. That's too self-righteous of me. I just didn't want to be a killer.

   Crap! Crap, crap, crap! I really fucked up.

   I looked up for an answer. The only thought that came to mind was God. I prayed a brief prayer and as I opened my eyes, I wasn't falling. At least not so fast. Katherine wasn't laughing anymore  I slowed down and started going up. "I'm dead. I wonder what heaven's like." I thought to myself. But I then realised that I was flying.

   I looked at my shoulders for wings. None. Katherine looked down with a look of surprise and smiled. I did the same, and laughed. "Woo!" I screamed as I soared high to the sky. My hair in the wind, the beautiful view beneath us and the fire coming out of my feet. I was like fucking iron man! The flames were amazing and so was I.

   My amazing feeling was short lived though. As I began falling again. Luckily, this time, we landed on the roof. Bam! We hit the concrete. This whole not dying was kinda fun. I looked up at the Brazilian sky and the bird flying in it. I then looked at the blonde I was crushing.

   "I fell on you?" I said very surprised as I hopped off.

   "Of course you did. Did you really think you were that strong? You're bullet strong but you still can go kersplat." She said as she got up and dusted her clothes and picked chips of concrete from her hair.

   I looked at her for a bit. Thoughts crossing my mind until I came to a conclusion. "These quirks..." I said picking two or three concrete chips from her hair. "What do they entail? Where are they from and what can i do?"

   She smiled. " I'll tell you on the jet. That is if you're coming." She reached out.

   I took the hand and analysed her. No, I mean literally analysed her. I could see stats that I shouldn't have been able to have seen.
Katherine Sophia Blue
Blood type: O+
Age: 17
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour:blonde
Threat level: high

   I decided to try something. I looked her in the eye and said "Just one more thing. Can I trust you?"

   She smirked. "Yes, you can." That smile though. God damn! She was unnaturally pretty. It was almost sickening. And I couldn't see any makeup. Looked like she didn't need it.

   "Analyse!" I said feeling more stupid than I probably looked. For a moment or two, there was silence. I saw the surprise on her face. Likely looking for what she was supposed to analyse. Before I could die of embarrassment, my eyes lit up. Literally. I saw the blue light on her face and a voice in my head spoke. "She's being honest sir." A robotic voice. Feminine.

   "Who are you?" I said letting go of Katherine's hand and placed it on my temple.

   "Katherine." She said looking very confused. I held my hand up gesturing for her to shut up.

   "I am the inbuilt artificial intelligence system, designed by your father, within you." The voice in my head replied.

   For some reason, I wasn't surprised. "Of course you are. That's totally normal." I said sarcastically. "What's your name?"

   "That is for you to decide sir." She said calmly.

   "I'm not sure. Let's call you Ćiri for now. Just until I think of something better." I replied hand on chin seriously deep in thought.

   "Yes sir." She replied. I turned to see Katherine looking at me like I'd gone crazy. Honestly, I couldn't blame her. I must have looked like a total psycho like that. It was a bit funny.

   I smiled and looked at her. "What are we waiting for?"

   Hey! That was cool! Sounds like Katherine was really lost... It's okay though... I'm sure he'll fill her in at some point. But I'll see you again in a few days.
QOTC: What do you think of his decision?

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