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YA SUBHANALLAH! I cried so hard after going through the whole ALI BANAT Life that he has lived before repenting to OUR CREATOR ALLAH SUBHANAHU WATA'ALA, I felt like I know him personally even though I just know his story but it really touched my heart and soul. And That's when I realised the power of Islam, that's when I realised I still have the IMAAN in my soul , it's just that I'm surrounded with a distraction. With all those things that he has nothing can save him.

I decided to change for my own good , because my biggest fear in this Duniya is death, gradually I started wearing long clothes with long sleeves , covering my hair sometimes, because I hardly cover my hair with scarf, and on my own thought it's a normal thing since I'm not married even though I'm a Muslim , at that time I was young and childish and all I care about was that to focus on my career of being a model.

Actually becoming a model was my dream since I was 8years old.
Not knowing that I could be a classic modesty model without exposing my body or anything .

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