Chapter 11

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I walk around the airport, searching for my mom.
Then I see her and I start to run. I hug her. “Hi honey“ she says and hugs me.
“I missed you“ I say smiling. “How was it?“ she asks excited “you have to tell me everything“
“Yes I will😂“ I say. We start to walk out if the airport.

On the car ride home:
“So how was it?“ my mom asks exited. “It was... amazing! Like everything was so perfect and Jacob is so kind and precious😍. And guess what?! I got to share my hotel room with him!! But don't worry, we didn't do anything😂“ I say. “That's good😂 so it seems like you had a fun time“ she says.
“Yes😩😍“ I say.
“And what did you do?“ she asks. “So first we arrived at the hotel and I met him😭 and it was just so amazing and perfect. Then his manager gave us the keys and we went to our hotel rooms. And I was with Jacob, as I already told you. And then......“ I tell her everything that happened. Well almost...
“Wow. That's so cool😊“ my mom says. “But mom there is something I didn't tell you..“ I say.
“Then tell me“ she answers. “Well... me and Jacob, how do I say this.. as I told you, we were in a room together and... we got to know each other. One night we had like a very deep conversation and I even told him about all my problems and we just got very close.. And then just two days ago... he told me, that he really likes me and I really like him too. No one has ever made me feel like that and yeah... I think, I mean I know it sounds stupid but... I love him“ I explain to her. “Wow... that's a lot“ she says “and now? What are you doing, I mean he lives on the other side of this planet“. “I know..“ I answer “but I don't wanna give this up already“
“Of course not“ my mom says.
“We can facetime... he told me that he will call me when I'm home“ I say.
“Oh ok.. that's very sweet“ she says and smiles “I feel like he's a really nice boy“
“I know... I really really like him“ I admit.

At home:
“I'm in my room“ I tell my mom as we arrive at home. And I walk up the stairs. I look at my phone. There's a text of Jacob:

 There's a text of Jacob:

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Jacob calls me. He lays on his bed and it's almost dark in his room.
“Hi beautiful“ Jacob says and smiles at me. “Hi, how are you?“ I ask and smile too. “I just miss you. The only thing I could think off the whole day was you. I was so worried that something could have happened to you“ he says.
“Aww Jacob“ I say “you don't have to be worried.“ “I know but I guess that's just who I am“ he answers.
“I love you so much“ I say. “I love you too❤“ Jacob says.

Hope y'all enjoyed❤ You can comment some ideas for the next chapters if you want to and I'll write them😊

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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