The NomenclatureThey say when a child is born,
A name for that infant is chosen
whispering it to his/her ear,
imprinting its vibration to the soul.
The name and its meaning,
will determine who that child
will grow up to become.If you name a child,
"Heart of Stone,"
the child will grow up
to have a hardcore
and solidified character.
Similarly, if a child is named,
"Radiate with smiles," He or she will
become an extremely cheerful.It is believed in most cultures,
that proper naming is vital for the child's future.My Grandpa had named me,
"Mother of the king."
Everyone knew how special that was
His subjects and all that were close have always bellowed at me like royalty.
Not that I wasn't.I was, I am and I will be because my Grandpa himself was a great and mighty king.
Despite the exquisitely interesting and charming names children are given,
when these children grow up, they tend to select aliases that they deem fit to suit the persona they have grown up to be or aspire to be.Such a case was mine.
More than anything,
I am more than just a queen mother.
I am not just human.
Being just Human limits me.
And like Soren Kierkegaard says,
"If you name me, you negate me,
you limit me."The name Goddess Blade was inspired by my fascination with female archetypes and transcended beings and their powers.
The divine feminine is the most sacred energy and life force in the universe.
The female is fertile and bears.
A female brings to life, puts forth and is the medium without which life wouldn't exist.
Some say the earth is a mother and I agree. Some even say God is a woman.Whether that be true or not, I believe in the ability of every single person to be a god or goddess.
Goddess Blade is that protective and powerful feminine power.
That power that defends what she holds dear.Her sharp blade that cuts through adversity.
That blade that doesn't let anything stop her or tell her she is a woman and not good enough.
That blade that she has crossed her heart with to love and protect all that lives.
That blade she swore on, to see the divine in everything that was, is and is to be.
I am Goddess Blade
I am a woman of valor.
As I soar with my blade,
The wind is slashed and slits at its sharpness.Do not be victim to the revenge I seek.
For if you so much a hurt an innocent, I will come after you.My garment of white soaring up in the skies.
Casting glances over who will dare to wreck havoc among my kin.I cast my protective shadow over the meek of souls.
The children of the earth who pray for a hero. A savior.More than anything, I feel the troubles of the world on my shoulders without complaint.
More than anything I want peace and Loathe pain.
More than anything, I know one day, all will be at rest and there would be calm amongst those who live.
More than anything, I can't be named except by blade. I am Goddess Blade.
A Compendium Of Feelings To "THE ONE THAT IS TO BE MET". #tfa2017
PoesíaA collection of poems written by me in silence, sadness and emptiness. Looking at the world from various perspectives. Life isn't all simple and straightforward. It's filled with twists and turns, magic and splendor. The world is a marvel, be it i...