Chapter 6: Texting

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"Mirai-chan, let's exchange numbers."

The request formed a confused frown on the young girl's face. "Why is that, Kuroo-senpai?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

The third year middle blocker wiped the sweat off his face with a towel and flashed her an innocent smile. "So that we can keep in touch, of course." He said and took his phone out of his bag, handing it to her. "Since I'm the captain of the team and you our manager, it makes sense that we need to keep each other updated in case something happens, right?"

"Oh. Alright then." She agreed and took his phone, inputting her digits into the contact list.

Once that was done and the two exchanged numbers, Kuroo went back to practice his blocking.

[End of Flashback]

Mirai stared at the text message with an irritated frown.

From: Kuroo Tetsurō
Subject: Date

Yo, Mirai-chan! Did you get home safely?

Let's go on a date on Saturday after practice.

Hoshizora Mirai, the new manager of the Nekoma High volleyball club, and now the target of constant pestering of Kuroo Tetsurō.

"That sneaky bastard." She growled and buried her face into her pillow.

It had only been a day since she finally agreed to be the team's official manager, but she was immediately starting to have second thoughts after her captain's message. He was persistent, she'll give him that. And as much as she wanted to bail, thinking about the team's overjoyed faces made her rethink her decision.

"I can't let them down again..." Mirai sighed in defeat and glanced at the phone in her hands. "...Doesn't mean that I have to go out with him though."

From: Hoshizora Mirai
Subject: Date


Kenma fought off the bubbling laughter that was trying to escape his lips as he read Mirai's reply.

"Why is she so difficult..." Kuroo sulked.

The duo were hanging out at Kenma's house. This wasn't the first time either. Being Kenma's neighbor and best friend meant that Kuroo could come and go any time he wanted. Although Kenma wished that Kuroo would give him a heads up whenever he came by.

Kuroo sat cross-legged facing the wall in the other side of the room with a gloomy aura.

"She flat out rejected you, Kuro, I'm impressed." Kenma mused. "This is the first time a girl said no to you. She's a rare one."

Kuroo sulked more at his best friend's remarks. "Kenma... You're supposed to be cheering me up here, man..." He mumbled dejectedly.

"I wouldn't know how to do that." Kenma shrugged and walked over to give back his phone. "Also... I don't think Mirai likes the idea of being asked out so suddenly. That's probably why she rejected you without hesitating."

"How do you know she didn't hesitate?" Kuroo narrowed his eyes at him. Kenma frowned and pointed at the text.

"She replied within seconds after you sent that message, that's how." He said.

"...So what do you think I should do then?" Kuroo looked up at him and pouted.

Kenma shrugged again, looking away in thought. "She mentioned before that she didn't like anything related to love, right?" Kuroo nodded, recalling the first time they met her. "Maybe she just isn't open to dating yet."

After hearing his observant best friend's opinion, Kuroo fell silent as he pondered his options. With a playful grin, he unlocked his phone and began typing away another message to their precious manager.

From: Kuroo Tetsurō
Subject: Favorite things

Mirai-chan, what is your favorite color?

Mirai blinked in surprise at the change of subject. "Favorite color? Why does he want to know?" She asked no one in particular, typing away a reply.

From: Hoshizora Mirai
Subject: Favorite things

I like red.

Kuroo grinned and showed Kenma her response. The gamer paused from his game to read it and sweatdropped as he watched his best friend happily sending another message.

"Is he playing or being serious? I can't even tell anymore..." Kenma shook his head and decided to leave him alone.

From: Kuroo Tetsurō
Subject: Favorite things

What about favorite food?

Mirai was in the middle of brushing her teeth when her phone buzzed to life with an incoming text. She picked it up from the stack of neatly folded towels beside her and read the message.

Again, he was asking her about what she likes.

From: Hoshizora Mirai
Subject: Favorite things

Shawarma rice.

Kuroo's face lights up at the reply. "Ooh, she likes shawarma rice? I wouldn't have guessed it."

From: Kuroo Tetsurō
Subject: Favorite things

I like grilled salted mackerel pike! Let's cook together sometime.

Mirai was buttoning up her nightgown and turned her head to see her phone beep with another text. She thought that after practicing so hard, Kuroo would have been exhausted and went straight to sleep. Turns out she was wrong.

Climbing into bed with the lights turned off, she replied to Kuroo's message before locking her phone and looking out the window. The moon was full and high in the sky, she could feel her eyes drooping.

From: Hoshizora Mirai
Subject: Favorite things

I don't know how to cook. Save yourself the trouble of paying repairs to your kitchen, Kuroo-senpai.

"Ehhhh? She says she doesn't know how to cook. What a surprise." Kuroo snickered and looked to Kenma, who was now glaring at him from his bed.

"Kuro, go home." He huffed.

"Maybe we should invite her over sometime and teach her how to cook. She can even play 1v1 with you." Kuroo wiggled his eyebrows.

"Kuro, get out."

"What should I ask her next, Kenma?"


From: Kuroo Tetsurō
Subject: Hang out?

You should come over to my house sometime. I can teach you how to cook simple dishes. It shouldn't be too hard.

Mirai opened one eye and read the message while half-asleep. Her brain was fuzzy with exhaustion and she desperately wanted to sleep already.

Doesn't Kuroo have homework to do? Strategy making for a game, perhaps? SOMETHING OTHER THAN TEXT HER LATE AT NIGHT?

What time was it anyway????

From: Hoshizora Mirai
Subject: Hang out?

Yeah, ok.

I'm going to bed now, Kuroo-senpai.

Kuroo practically shoved his phone into Kenma's face. "She actually said yes!"

"Kuro, let me sleep." Kenma threw a pillow at him to shut him up.

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