Chapter 20: Comedic Duo

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After Karasuno's practices with the Fukurodani Group's powerhouse schools, the calm moments before dinner turned into a commotion among the first years about whether or not their school would be participating in a certain event. Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Mirai were heading to the dining hall together as they chatted amongst themselves.

"We finished everything. I'm starving!" Hinata exclaimed as he stretched his arms up.

Mirai was initially hesitant about joining the group since her old crush would be there, however, she did promise Yamaguchi that she would hang out with him during dinner. A promise is a promise so she was just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.

From beside her, the freckled boy sighed. "There sure was a lot of laundry," he openly complained.

Kageyama and Hinata were walking ahead of them.

It was Mirai's first time being this close to the freak duo. During their practice matches, they were so serious and focused. It was hard for Mirai to believe when Yamaguchi told her that they were more of a comedic duo than a freak duo.

"Yeah," Kageyama agreed with his statement, nodding his head. "Everyone was sweating a lot during practice."

"I wonder what today's dinner will be!" Hinata skipped excitedly.

"Hinata, after you finish eating, we're gonna practice your spiking." Kageyama told the tiny middle blocker.

"Okay!" He said.

"Is there anything else in your heads besides volleyball and food?" Tsukishima scoffed.

Kageyama shot him a light glare. "Eating gives me mental strength for volleyball."

Tsukishima glared right back. "I'm not too sure about that."

"If I eat a lot, will I get better at volleyball?" Hinata asked the taller middle blocker enthusiastically.

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow at the energetic boy.

"That... I wouldn't know."

Mirai could sense how unstable their friendship was, if you can even call it that. Hinata was the complete opposite of Tsukishima and she knew how much the blond disliked people whom he considered annoying.

Really loud and always full of energy? Yep, that was considered annoying in Tsukishima's book.

"Good work today!" Yachi welcomed them as they entered the dining hall. "Whoa, you guys are covered in sweat."

"What's up Yachi-san?" Hinata tilted his head at her, smiling like the pure angel he is.

Yachi fidgeted with her hands, seemingly concerned about something. "There was a captain's meeting before dinner," she told them. "It seems there's going to be a volleyball festival."

"Volleyball festival?" Kageyama repeated.

"What, what, what, what, what? What the heck is that?" Hinata looked to her with interest.

Of course, whenever the topic was about volleyball, the sunshine boy would be all ears.

"I didn't hear too much, but it seems to be a national event for volleyball fans." The blonde manager explained.

"A gathering of volleyball players..." Kageyama frowned, his eyebrows furrowed as he was trying to imagine something. "Is that like a World Martial Arts Tournament?"

Mirai looked to Yamaguchi as she pointed at the first year setter with a flat expression. Yamaguchi merely shrugged since this was the norm in the Karasuno team. He's gotten so used to it that it doesn't weird him out anymore.

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