Chapter 9: Sleepovers

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Mornings were usually uneventful and calm. Today shouldn't be an exception either, except it sort of was. Lev was on his way to class 1-3, a skip in his step as he looked forward to another day. When he slid open the classroom door and got ready to shout out a greeting, he felt a tremendous aura in the air. The usual peaceful morning suddenly turned dark once he saw the bespectacled girl in her seat. "Mirai-san?" He blinked and walked over to his seat next to hers.

"GoOd MoRnInG, LeV..." Mirai greeted tiredly.

Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. When she looked up from her desk to face him, Lev nearly screamed bloody murder. "M-M-Mirai-san! You look terrible!" He bluntly stated as he pointed at her appearance. There were bags under her eyes and she was pale as a ghost. "Do you need to go to the infirmary?"

"No, no. I'm perfectly fine." She smiled weakly.

"Really? You don't look fine at all." He poked her cheek. "Is this a side effect of one of your monthly girl things?"

"No, Lev." Mirai blushed and pushed his hand away from her face.

"So what is it then?" He sat down, tilting his head quizzically.

Mirai sighed heavily and rested her forehead against the flat surface of the desk. "A friend of mine suggested that I play this game called Five Nights at Freddy's. But I was too scared to keep playing after the first minute." She grumbled.

"Eh? Is that all?" He said.

"Pretty much. I couldn't sleep very well after that..." She laughed weakly.

Five Nights at Freddy's. There was plenty of talk that the game itself was very thrilling, so naturally Mirai wanted to try it despite being a scaredy-cat. It was still only Night 1, mind you. NIGHT ONE!! By the time the phone guy hung up and left her to do her job as night guard of a pizzeria filled with homicidal animatronics, Mirai encountered a blue bunny standing outside of the left side door, effectively scaring the shit out of her.

"Why not play it with Kenma-san? He's good with games, isn't he?" Lev suggested.

Mirai sat up with wide eyes. Why didn't she think of that?! Kenma was always playing something in his PSP, so he should be good at it.

"Lev, you're a genius!" She stood up and slapped his back, earning a pained yelp from him, before running out the room to find the game addict.

The second year floor didn't seem any different from the first year's. Although there were a lot of upperclassmen who started to stare at her when she walked through the halls. "Just ignore them. Just ignore them. Just ignore them." Mirai chanted inside her head as she bravely passed them.

If she remembered correctly, Kenma was in class 2-3.

"Uhm, excuse me?" She tapped one of the students gently on the shoulder. "Is Kenma here? I'd like to speak with him please..."

The student nodded stiffly before he called over his shoulder, "Hey Kozume! There's a cute girl here looking for you!"

"C-Cute?!" Ah, there goes her false confidence.

Kenma stood up and walked over, eyeing Mirai as she covered her face shyly with both hands.

"Mirai?...What are you doing here..?" He asked.

His usual poker face slowly turned into a look of absolute shock when she suddenly got down on her knees to do a dogeza.

"Kenma-sama!" Mirai cried.


"Please play FNAF with me!"


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