Chapter 21: Comedic Duo part 2

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Somehow, one way or another, Yamaguchi managed to convince Mirai to accompany his best friend in finding the Karasuno third years. Apparently there was something concerning about the volleyball festival that Tsukishima didn't like and he left to discuss it with his team's captain.

On their way to the baths where the third years were most likely be at, the two first years overheard some of his teammates singing some sort of catchy song that made him cringe. Mirai normally would have felt uncomfortable being alone with him, but seeing as how his mind was preoccupied with his dilemma, he hasn't bothered to speak to her the entire time.

When they spotted the third years walking from the baths, Tsukishima called for them while Mirai stood silently behind him. She remembered all three of them from the earlier practice matches with Nekoma.

The third year with the tanned skin and short dark hair was their captain, the light haired one with an angelic smile was their vice captain, and the scary one with a goatee was their ace. Mirai smiled nervously and waved when the last one noticed her.

"Tsukishima." Daichi acknowledged, wondering what the middle blocker could have wanted with them.

"Oh!" Sugawara perked up after noticing the girl hiding behind their tall first year. "Nekoma's manager is here too! Don't be shy, come on out. We won't bite."

Karasuno's vice captain had the glowing aura of a saint. It was a refreshing feeling and Mirai felt her nervousness slowly melting away.

"W... We haven't been introduced yet, have we?" She stepped out from behind Tsukishima and bowed politely. "I-I'm Hoshizora Mirai from Nekoma."

"I'm Sugawara Kōshi. This is our captain, Sawamura Daichi, and over here is our team's ace, Azumane Asahi." He pointed at each of them as he introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Hoshizora-san." Asahi smiled, hoping not to scare her. She nodded in response.

"How's being manager for Nekoma? Are they tiring you out much?" Daichi inquired.

"Not really..." Mirai trailed off, remembering the team's new recruit. "Well, other than Lev, I mean he's always a handful."

Daichi laughed, his voice was deep and manly. Mirai looked at him from head to toe. He seemed the fatherly type... And he always looked out for his team. Was he the daddy crow of Karasuno?

"Ah, the tall Russian player, right? He plays really well despite being new." He smiled at her kindly, before looking back to the blond in glasses. "Anyways, Tsukishima, I'm guessing you know about the volleyball festival that's coming up?"

"Yes," Tsukishima nodded briefly. Then, he deadpanned. "I don't want to go."

His honesty made Mirai want to laugh so she quickly covered her mouth so he wouldn't hear her.

"They were saying something about candy apples, recitation dramas, and a volleyball song." Tsukishima continued, frowning in dismay. "And I really can't dance."

"So it was the dancing you're trying to get out of?" Sugawara laughed.

"Please don't misunderstand." The blond sighed.

A cheerful march echoed through the halls as the Karasuno second years made their way to the baths for their turn. Mirai could almost hear background music playing as the loud ones from before, Tanaka and Nishinoya, sang from the top of their lungs.

"🎶When you spike, your spike goes DON DON-GADON!

Your receive goes PON!

Your block goes BAN!

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