Chapter 8: Captains

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Kuroo stared at Bokuto from across the table. Bokuto ate his ice cream and stared back. It's been like that for nearly ten minutes and Mirai couldn't understand why.

"Keiji-senpai, are they having a staring contest?" She asked in a hushed voice, not wanting to interrupt.

The group were inside an ice cream parlor since Bokuto started complaining about the heat. Their excursion had been successful after the sixth store and the owl captain seemed to be overjoyed more than anything. "I can finally practice again! Hey hey hey!" Bokuto had exclaimed after purchasing his brand new shoes.

Akaashi only glanced at the duo for a second before frowning and going back to his own ice cream.

"There are times when I can't understand Bokuto-san and his antics." He looked at Mirai straight in the eye, serious faced. "This is one of them."

"Ah, I see..." Mirai sweatdropped and looked back at the two captains who were still at it.

Bokuto squinted his eyes a bit and grumbled. Kuroo smirked.

"Eyes getting teary, Bokuto?" He taunted. Bokuto flinched and opened his eyes wider.

"NO." He frowned.

"I want to go home." Kenma sighed after losing the boss battle in his game.

"I would like to as well." Akaashi turned to his captain. "Bokuto-san, how much longer are you going to take-"


"NooOoOOO!!!!" Bokuto leaned his head back as he cried, distraught at his loss. Meanwhile, Kuroo pumped his fist in the air and nodded his head with pride over his victory.

Akaashi, Kenma, and Mirai deadpanned. "Why are our captains idiots?"

Thankfully, no one in the parlor appeared to be bothered by the two. Either Tokyo didn't mind their existence or they just wanted to spare whatever dignity the three companions had left by not looking. Mirai was grateful for whatever reason it may be.

"Thank you for coming with us, everyone. It's time for us to leave, Bokuto-san." Akaashi bowed to the Nekoma students, then stood up and grabbed his bag.

"W-Wait! Akaashi, don't leave me behind!" Bokuto scrambled to get his bag and catch up to his setter who was already out the door.

"I am very busy today, Bokuto-san, and I have to catch the next train." Akaashi simply replied and continued walking.

"So you're planning on leaving me behind?! Akaashi, are you mad? Akaashi????"

Mirai laughed again as Bokuto chased after his underclassman. "He really is a funny guy." She said.

Kenma shrugged and watched as the Fukurodani students disappear from sight. "He reminds me of Shōyō." He told her.

"Shōyō?" She asked curiously.

Kuroo felt himself smile at the mention of the name. He knew his socially awkward best friend was comfortable enough around the ball of energy known as Hinata Shōyō to be able to talk to him so casually without a hint of shyness. It was good that Kenma was making friends outside of school.

The pudding head began to tell Mirai about the Karasuno volleyball team and the freak duo. How Kageyama, their setter, was incredibly intimidating and wouldn't stop glaring at him after a match. He even mentioned about a guy in their team who was annoyingly loud as Yamamoto. Mirai enjoyed the stories of their trip to Miyagi, hoping that she could meet Karasuno one day.

Kuroo looked at the sky outside and noticed that it was getting late. "We should go too." He said, standing up and grabbing his bag.


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